In your gale-force Thursday media column: Juan Williams is controversial, more magazines die, Wonkette launches a spinoff, and teen sex remains incredibly popular:

Juan Williams is not white, not Republican, and works for NPR, making him one of Fox News' favorite legitimacy-lenders. Which is fine, but it's making NPR a little squirrelly. They constantly get complaints! (One NPR listener said: "NPR should severe their relationship with him"). Now NPR has ordered him not to identify himself as an NPR employee when he appears on Bill O'Reilly's show. Juan Williams will be the next Alan Colmes. You heard it here first.

Your latest entrants in the Great Magazine Die-off: "plus size" fashion magazine Figure, which was published by Meredith, and Craft, a uh, craft magazine, which had its print edition folded by O'Reilly Media. Seven layoffs went with the magazine deaths, which, sadly, is not all that bad.

Lookie here, former Gawker DC relative Wonkette has launched a new site called Wonkabout, dedicated to various social goings-on in DC. This is Wonkette editor Ken Layne's way to take advantage of DC's new "cool" status, and to grind his bootheel into the dying corpse of alt-weeklies. Why is Ken Layne a predatory capitalist?

A high school newspaper in Illinois did a special issue about "hooking up" (CHILD SEX), and all the issues mysteriously disappeared. They suspect students and parents scooped them all up, but don't rule out the secret involvement of Dov Charney.