
Who is Fake Bono?

Jordan Golson · 11/26/07 03:20PM

Over the long Thanksgiving weekend, Forbes editor Dan Lyons's Fake Steve Jobs blog was taken over by Fake Bono. As the story goes, Bono was spending Thanksgiving at Jobs's house and found El Jobso had left himself logged into Blogger. He got drunk with Googlers, flew on Marissa Mayer's jet to meet the Pope in Uganda, introduced the U2 Edition iPhone, and wouldn't shut up about his RED campaign. Really, who is this guy? Send guesses my way. After the jump, an apology of sorts from Fake Bono to Fake Steve.

VC Fred Wilson thankful wife hasn't murdered him yet

Nicholas Carlson · 11/23/07 08:00PM

Venture capitalist and blogger Fred Wilson has a lot to be thankful for, he tells us. "Three awesome kids," "a work life that is stimulating," and, of course, "a wife who loves me even though at times she threatens to kill me." If the image Wilson embedded with his post is any hint, it seems he might be having a little trouble pulling himself away from his laptop this holiday. Let's all take Mrs. Wilson's advice this holiday weekend, shall we?

Peter Thiel crush alert!

Owen Thomas · 11/21/07 06:30PM

San Francisco real-estate agent and blogger Damion Matthews, left, apparently has a bit of a thing for Facebook board member and hedge-fund manager Peter Thiel, right. Matthews, who first blogged about Thiel in April, recently declared the financier "dreamy." Well, handsome enough, we'd say, but hardly dreamy. At any rate, we hate to break it to you, Damion, but Thiel's taken. If he weren't, though, you'd have a better shot than that Tennessee girl who lined up to get his autograph.

'Time Out' Thanks You For Writing Their Stories For Them

Emily Gould · 11/21/07 12:30PM

"Hello there. This is Michael Freidson, deputy editor at Time Out New York. I'm writing with a few questions. Can you please take a moment to answer, for an urgent feature story?," began an email spammed to a group that Michael Friedson identified as "New York's top opinion-makers" on Tuesday. Judging from the questionnaire that follows, Time Out has decided to eliminate the use of troublesome freelancers by just having their sources write their articles.

Blogs pass newspapers on meaningless graph

Nicholas Carlson · 11/15/07 04:14PM

You'll recall a certain conference about blogging that went mostly unattended and unmentioned. Well, Read/WriteWeb's Alex Iskold actually went, and came back with a gem of a navelgazing thumbsucker, too. I'm not sure how using Google Trends, which tracks the frequency of searches on terms, gets you anything meaningful about "blogging" versus "newspapers," but I'm sure I don't care. This one's for the dead-tree lovers among us, baby.

Christ, you know it ain't easy

Paul Boutin · 11/12/07 08:32AM

"I am watching as the blogging world crucifies me," TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington writes, after he didn't attend a Las Vegas conference where he'd been advertised as a star panelist. Crucifies? Mike, rent a copy of The Passion of the Christ before you, like John Lennon, reach for that self-aggrandizing metaphor again. And if you think your fellow bloggers hate you now, wait'll they find out you've been invited to Davos. Elsewhere over the weekend, funtrepreneur Jason Calacanis got himself booted from the insidery Gillmor Gang podcast. No, we don't listen to it either. But we did play the you're-fired phone call Calacanis posted to his Twitter page. Mental note: Calacanis records his calls.

Scoble retires!

Owen Thomas · 11/07/07 01:29PM

This just in from the wires! "For 18 years, I have had one of the best jobs on the planet," said Scoble. Who knew PodTech had been around so long?

Arrington launches my kinda blog battle

Megan McCarthy · 11/05/07 06:01PM

TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington notes the launch of European blog netowrk MyKinda with a swipe at MyKinda's competitor BlogNation. He published emails sent by BlogNation founder Sam Sethi, a former TechCrunch writer, to Blognation's employees and potential venture capitalists. Why? Well, there's bad blood here. And we're not talking about Sethi's feud with Arrington, either.

Big blog conference somewhere

Paul Boutin · 11/05/07 09:16AM

This week, a bunch of bloggers are gathered somewhere to blog about blogs, blogging and bloggers. We forget the location — Vegas? or is it Beijing? — but topics will include blogs and politics, blogs and business, blogs and the media, and how to make some dough at this blog thing. Unless Dave Winer shows up and pisses everyone off by telling the truth again, we'll skip it.

Choire · 11/01/07 01:10PM

Here's HuffPo's Rachel Sklar on making friends down in Boca at the American Magazine Conference: "We're pleased as punch to report that [Portfolio blogger] Jeff [Bercovici] was enthused about the notion of cross-posting from Portfolio to HuffPo, saying that he was always happy to increase his traffic. Well, now, see Jeff? Compensation comes in many forms, and rich indeed are those who blog within our warm, happy embrace. Arianna was happy to give Jeff a mini-scoop which may or may not be showing up on his blog soon (free content for Jeff!)...." [HuffPo]

Why am I writing about Robert Scoble writing about Robert Scoble?

Jordan Golson · 10/29/07 05:21PM

My esteemed colleague Paul Boutin may not be writing about egoblogger Robert Scoble any longer, but I'm still prepared to navigate the Scoble Self-Aggrandizement Wunderblog in search of fresh content. Today, I noticed that Bobby likes to talk about himself. A lot. So I made a little chart that lists how many times certain words appeared on the front page of Scobleizer today. Hopefully, he'll link to this story and send literally tens of readers to Valleywag. That would make my life complete.

Scoble goes down swinging

Paul Boutin · 10/29/07 06:53AM

If you're going to call someone a liar, first be sure it's the truth. I'm rockin' the house to Craig Morgan's "International Harvester," catching up on last week's infighting between Secret Diary of Steve Jobs author Dan Lyons and videoblogger Robert Scoble. Lyons says Scoble's company, PodTech, is "going under." Scoble says the company is "restructuring its business and refocusing its resources." It's all fun and games until the Scobleizer repeatedly asserts — on Twitter, of course — that yours truly at Valleywag prints LIES!

Emily Gould · 10/25/07 02:40PM

When we were discussing what celebrities blog about, we somehow neglected Martha Stewart, and this is why we shouldn't have: "This most unusual perennial, Gomphocarpus physocarpus, is called the balloon plant. I like to call it hairy balls. A species of milkweed, it is often used as an ornamental plant and is striking in cut arrangements." [The Martha Blog]

When did any blog become a reliable source?

Owen Thomas · 10/25/07 01:55PM

Fatally overserious Read/WriteWeb blogger asks when Forbes editor Dan Lyons's Secret Diary of Steve Jobs became a "reliable source." He points to recent posts Lyons wrote as Fake Steve Jobs about PodTech and Facebook — both of which Valleywag picked up. I think the question is more when anyone at Read/WriteWeb ever had a blog post as funny, informative, and truthful — even when fictional — as Fake Steve.

A blog by any other name is still a blog

Tim Faulkner · 10/24/07 05:04PM

Venture capitalist Andrew Parker has invested in Tumblr. But he must be using the only install of the blog platform that bans images, video embeds, and sentence fragments. In justifying Union Square Ventures' investment in Tumblr, Parker says:

Getting to the top of Techmeme, the four-word version

Paul Boutin · 10/22/07 07:13AM

Attention tech PR people: Here's the conclusion of reluctant Valleywag content provider Robert Scoble's two-part, 37-minute whiteboard orgy on how to get your next press release to the top of Techmeme, the most important site on the Internet. Ready? Here it is: Take Scoble to dinner. Boom, top of Techmeme. It's that simple. You know why this is funny? Because I'll bet it works.