
Who Is Being Abused By His Actress Wife?

Richard Lawson · 08/19/08 08:48AM

Waking up sick is no fun. It hardly feels like you slept at all and the cruel light of day pounds at your head. But, I'll persevere. Especially with the help of the two blind items after the jump, one about a celebrity who is maybe too confident in her clout and the other about a celebrity couple where the lady wears the pants. The abusing pants. Enjoy, and stay healthy. 1) "Which celeb had a hissy fit after a photoshoot? She demanded a host of A-list stars to pose with her in the picture but got a shock when all that turned up were a few minor boyband members." [Mirror] 2) "It seems though as if this B list celebrity couple is done. He of the C- list films and she of the A list television and B list films. Turns out he finally got sick and tired of the verbal abuse he took from the wife everyday. Not talking about three or four days a week, talking about every day. Did she hit him? Absolutely. Although, her favorite thing to do was to try and scratch him with the engagement and wedding ring he bought her. He has had some lovely cuts as a result of this, including stitches more than once. He has walked out before, but she has always talked him into coming back. This time though he has been gone for ten days, and isn't returning any calls." [CDaN]

Which Actor Is Crazy, Violent, and Gay?

Richard Lawson · 08/18/08 08:39AM

Sacramone was robbed! There was unfair judging. Bela Karolyi gut blustery on TV, saying he hated the numbers. A number he wouldn't hate (segue!) is seven, because that's how many blind items we have for you this morning. Gays, socialites, Mideast princes, rockers, and the cast of 90210 are all doing secret things. Unearth the conspiracies after the jump. 1) "Which hunk in a summer movie is a violent, closeted homosexual? The heartthrob snuck into his ex's apartment a few months ago and raped him so violently, the ex ended up in the hospital - and the actor paid him $500,000 to keep his mouth shut." [NYP] 2) "Which oft-photographed socialite is being forced to get a job by her parents? She looks rich but is really broke, and is now looking for modeling gigs." [NYP] 3) "Which Mideast prince with a large posse is a bad tipper? The oil-soaked royal is leaving gratuities of just 10 percent in hot spots in St. Tropez." [NYP] 4) "Which very married '90s rocker who has been touring this summer has a penchant for the college-age girls who are still lighting incense and listening to his albums? According to our tour bus spy, he brings a different co-ed home just about every night he's on the road." [NYDN] These next ones all have to do with people who were on Beverly Hills: 90210, apparently: 5) "This actress recently reunited with her former flame for about a week of loving when each of their current relationships turned sour at about the same time. After a week they realized why the hell they had broken up in the first place." 6) "Despite the age difference, this younger actress on the show came out to this older actress on the show and they had a love affair for about a year. The older actress had been married, but was not at the time of the romance. The younger actress has never been married." 7) "Although she was portrayed as innocent on the show, in real life, this actress was not so innocent. During the course of each season she would generally get with 4-5 different members of the cast and crew. If you do the math, it is quite the number." [CDaN]

Which Conservative Radio Host Is Diddling a Teenager?

Richard Lawson · 08/15/08 08:36AM

Ohhh gymnastics. Why you be so awesome for? My hands are tired from doing my awkward seal clap all night. Luckily they are not too tired to bring you some Friday blind items. After the jump we've got an interior decorator who slept her way into a new office, an, um, Native American-giving jeweler, a threatening singer, and a conservative radio host "doing the dirty" with a teenager. 1) "Which up-and-coming interior decorator got a free office from her biggest client, a big real-estate mogul, after she slept with him?" [NYP] 2) "Which high-profile jeweler - when he was riding high and flush with cash - gave a $60,000 watch to the doorman at one of downtown's most exclusive lounges to make sure he'd never have to wait to get in? Then the jeweler ran into trouble, ran out of funds, and informed the doorman the watch was only on loan." [NYP] 3) "Which singer is getting well above his station and trying to charge pubs and clubs £4,000 a DJ set? And if he doesn't get it, he has even threatened to beat them black and blue." [Mirror] 4) "How shocked will the world be when they find out about this conservative, national talk radio host and his 18 year old sometime girlfriend? Not as shocked as they will be when they find out she was only 17 when they started doing the dirty." [CDaN]

Which Actress Is Still a Virgin?

Richard Lawson · 08/14/08 08:57AM

Olympics were a little slow last night, mostly because the Americans didn't fare all that well. Boo. But these blind items are very exciting! And patriotic! The one about the British pop singer has her doing drugs and stuff, so that just makes us over here look better. And the other two, about a career-mad fake lesbian actress and a virgin, just show America's can-do attitude. Do your civic duty and read them after the jump. 1) "Which supposedly clean-cut UK pop star has let her coke problem spiral out of control? She is said to be spending £1,000 a week on her nasty habit." [Mirror] 2) "How do you try and revive a career that only you want revived? Well, in Hollywood this year you can either get pregnant, or do what this C list film/B list television actress that I love to hate is going to do. Become a lesbian. Yes, you heard it here first. This actress is going to loudly dump her boyfriend and start dating a woman simply for the publicity. Forget about the days of hiding the fact you are gay, this actress has it all lined up. Instead of paying someone to be a beard for you, this actress is going to take some of her fast dwindling cash and pay someone to be her lesbian lover." [CDaN] 3) "I honestly didn't believe it the first time I heard this about a month ago, but when I heard it again yesterday, I started to believe. This actress is C list. Used to be on a hit network television show. Now she does films. Definite B list name recognition. Long term boyfriend who everyone assumed she was bearding for. True? Who the hell knows. But, this is where it gets even more interesting. Despite the fact that she is one of the most desired women in Hollywood and radiates sex, it turns out that our actress is actually a virgin. Going to remain one until she is married which is why she actually enjoyed bearding. Guess her relationship prior to that was all about fighting the guy off." [CDaN]

Which Actress Is Not Allowed to Spend Time Alone With Men?

Richard Lawson · 08/13/08 08:40AM

Poor Alicia Sacramone, a girl from (near) my hometown. She just made a few errors and now she's going to blame herself for her team ending up with only a measly silver. Maybe the two blind items after the jump will help her forget her woes. We've got a television actress fenced in by a strict pre-nup, and another actress who is getting bratty about her salary. 1) "This A list television/ B list film actress is on a hit network drama, in a 2007 hit film, and is fairly newly married. In her pre-nup it stipulates that she is to never be alone with another male in her trailer or dressing room. Now, I don't know how her husband is ever going to be able to enforce that without a camera on her 24/7, but apparently she must get into all sorts of trouble when left alone." [CDaN] 2) "Which TV leading lady has become quite the demanding diva? Following her recent movie successes, she's trying to get more than triple her current salary." [NYDN]

Which Actor Nearly Ruined a Movie By Sleeping With His Costar's Wife?

Richard Lawson · 08/12/08 09:19AM

Phelpsy's on his way! And those boys in blue (and red) spandex got Bronze, which isn't too shabby. I mean, I could have done better. But whatevs. Yes USA! USA! just keeps chugging along, as does the blind item roundup. We have three for you today, one about a publisher, another about a British person, and a third about A list adultery. 1) "What publisher and man-about-town may have had a liaison with Rielle Hunter, the woman who had an affair with John Edwards and a relationship with his pal Jay McInerney? He's told friends they were 'in bed for a week.'" [NYDN] 2) "Which big-headed northern actor caused chaos on-set after he jumped on a bed while blind drunk on whiskey and put his back out?" [Mirror] 3) "This hit sequel almost didn't come to fruition. The reason? How about an A list film actor who was also an A list television actor who couldn't keep his libido under control. Seems as if this A lister took a bet from another A list film actor that a certain wife, of yet a third A list film actor was open to his charms. Well it turns out that he was right. The wife of the third A list actor did have a relationship with our first A list actor. I guess maybe relationship is the wrong word. It was either once or twice, depending on which story you believe. What is known though is that the wife confessed all to the third A list actor who then decided he couldn't work with A list actor number one anymore. He finally gave in to the pressure from the studio, but has not said one word to A list actor #1 outside of hello or goodbye since that date. As for the bet? A list actor #1 offered up his girlfriend for the night. A list actor #2 offered up his girlfriend for the night. Unfortunately no one bothered to check if this was ok with the girlfriend of A list actor #2. She declined, although not for being bartered in a bet, or possibly destroying a marriage. She just didn't find A list actor #1 appealing." [CDaN]

Which Teen 'Has Been' Was Pan Handling at a Record Store?

Richard Lawson · 08/11/08 08:54AM

So, zomg, how's about that freestyle relay? That was a corker. I was standing and clapping and shrieking at the TV. Quite exciting. Just as exciting are the five blind items after the jump, which tell tales of diva actresses, washed-up former teen idols, Starbucks freak outs, and gays. Be the first to touch the wall with the right guess. USA! USA! 1) "A reality vixen decided that what she would do is just take her ice coffee and dump it on the counter [at Starbucks] and say, "here's your tip," and then walk out." [CDaN] 2) "Hotel in Las Vegas. Our B list actress from a hit network comedy who is usually friendly must have been extremely upset to pull this kind of diva behavior. Checks in to the hotel with her baby, a nanny and about 10 items of luggage. The hotel is packed, but she wants service right then. Gets up to her room. Says it faces the wrong direction, wants a new suite. Finds out there is nothing available for an hour or so. 'Well you better find someone who can clean faster because if I don't have a room in the next five minutes, I am going to tell everyone I know, your hotel sucks. I don't care how many Mexicans you have to call, I want a new room. Now.'" [CDaN] 3) "Car rental return. Minneapolis of all places. Our B-/C+ list film actor with a more famous brother returns his car. Dents all over the hood. Everywhere. Dirty. Tells the rental person someone did it in his hotel parking garage. Looks like someone was jumping up and down on the hood. Turns out though our actor forgot to change his dirty shoes which seemed to match exactly the foot size and treads on the hood. Idiot. And drunk still." [CDaN] 4) "Virgin record store on Hollywood Blvd. Former teen A lister and now basically a has been bum, although still fairly young. Walks through the entire store just randomly throwing CD's and DVD's into a basket. Must be 100 of them. Not looking at any, just grabbing them by the handful and throwing them into this basket. Goes to checkout and wants them all for free. The cashier says they don't really do that. Our has been wants a manager. One comes over and our has been says they are for a kids organization he is working with. The manager looks at the pile and knows the has been is lying. Says he just can't help him. Our has been does the don't you know who I am routine, and the manager says he knows exactly who the has been is, but can't do anything about it. The back and forth continues, and then the has been gives up. Before he leaves though he asks the manager for $20." [CDaN] 5) "This is just great. Not only is Crotch Uh-Lastic, whom you all met last week—and whom I could have sworn it would be at least a few weeks before we all said hullo to again-really does have his brains stuffed deep inside his paramours' overly tight swimsuits. See, the big-screen idol, whose pics make all kinds of bucks because their themes are all so brilliantly multiplatform, is doing things just like Toothy Tile. Now that word's just beginning to get out that Crotch loves to lure 'straight' men back to his Hollywood pad and have them don all sorts of skimpy swimwear (just so CUL can slowly take it right off), Crotchy-poo's pullin' an emergency Toothy!" [E!]

Which Actor Shot His Son?

Richard Lawson · 08/08/08 08:36AM

Go see South Pacific at Lincoln Center if you have a chance, it's really quite good. Anyway, now that I have those ridiculously catchy (and Pulitzer-winning!) tunes in my head, I'll need something to help drown them out. How about two blind items, one about a two-timing celebrity chef, another about a drunken actor who shot his kid. Nice. Those ought to wash those songs right out of my head. Wait... 1) "Which celebrity chef is getting himself in boiling hot water with his constant flirty texting to various girls he works with?" [Mirror] 2) "Film star, although back in the day he did some television. In fact even though no one really likes him now, they probably did then. Aging, but not old. B list although he was A list and he could still open a film, although you probably wouldn't want him to. Not a franchise guy. Oh, not Ben Affleck, so lets get that out of the way. Anyway, our actor was at what he likes to call his estancia but is really just a ranch and was shooting off guns with his son. Apparently at some point he started drinking and got angry at something his son had done and just fired down at the sand in front of his son. Missed the sand, but got the son right in the shin bone. Private security guards, a doctor and all just a whisper. The only reason it got out at all is one of the teachers who home schools the child(ren) let it slip to someone who passed it on to me." [CDaN]

Which Actress Has Taken Up Smack?

Richard Lawson · 08/07/08 09:02AM

These blind items are corny as Kansas in August, they're high as a kite on the fourth of July, and, if you'll excuse the expression I use, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with a wonderful guyyyy. OK, that last part's not true because I'm a reclusive drunk. But I am going to see South Pacific tonight and there are blind items after the jump, about a seeeecretly gay boyband singing fella and an actress who's taken up the role of a lifetime: the heroine. I mean heroin. 1) "Which hunky boybander loves frequenting gay clubs looking for guys? The fella in question is keeping his secret under wraps so his female fans don't stop sending him presents." [Mirror] 2) "Which former A list television actress and now B list film queen has moved from the pot world to the smack world? What started off as a sometime thing smoking it has turned into a two or three time a day injection habit." [CDaN]

Which Director Always Finds a Special Lady Friend for His Wife On Set?

Richard Lawson · 08/06/08 08:58AM

You know what's good in the summer? A nice glass of rose. You know what's not good in the summer? Red wine with ice cubes in it. I should know. Anyway, I'll tell you what's great in the summer: blind items! After the jump we have a star who stole a modeling contract away from her sister and a popular film director who always keeps his wife lesbianly (not a word) entertained. 1) "Which sexy superstar upset her sibling by muscling in on a huge modeling deal?" [MIrror] 2) "I've heard of the casting couch, but this puts an entirely new twist on it. So you have a director who is an A list director all the way. Award winning? Sure. The thing about this guy though is that his wife is notorious for coming on a set and finding a woman to play with during the shoot. Invariably an extra, or a woman with a small role, she can often find her role expanded to a bigger role if she is especially good to the director's wife over the course of the shoot. The director himself is never involved in any of the hanky panky, but does acquiesce to his wife's demands for her play thing's role." [CDaN] (Kate Capshaw, you minx...)

Who Was Hitting On Every Girl He Could at the Teen Choice Awards?

Richard Lawson · 08/05/08 08:38AM

Everyone is cheating on their lovers these days. People are restless, I guess. Feeling some sort of apocalyptic tug at their insides, perhaps. I mean, after the jump alone we've go two Best Dressed folks stepping out with each other, a television star using his girlfriend as comparison when hitting on other laides, and another fine fellow who was macking backstage at the Teen Choice Awards while his poor girlfriend sat dumbly in the audience. Enjoy/weep for your own ruined (or soon-to-be) relationship. 1) "Which stylish lady on the latest International Best-Dressed List in Vanity Fair is said to be having an affair with a dapper married man who is on the same list a few pages away? 'She doesn't care who she hurts,' sniped one detractor." [P6] 2) "Which posh crooner has been hunting down a sexy northern girl for some hot dates?" [Mirror] 3) "Well this former B list television actor and now hanging by a thread anyway he can C lister must have given up on ever getting his girlfriend back. Either that or she appreciates when her boyfriend hits on women by saying, 'you look just like my ex.'" [CDaN] 4) "This B- film lister is a serial cheater. However, his girlfriend knows this and so goes to great lengths to not let him out of her sight. Well yesterday at the Teen Choice Awards he told her she wasn't allowed to go backstage and so she dutifully sat in the audience while he hit on women left and right and filled up his phone with 'business contacts.'" [CDaN]

Which Couple is Fleeing Rumors By Leaving New York?

Richard Lawson · 08/04/08 08:56AM

Welcome back into the fluorescent, sucked into it screaming like you were, like babies from the womb. Taken from the cool waters of the Atlantic or from the Adirondack chair or from some fuzzy brunch in the West Village. It's working time now, and those fun days are merely ghosts. At least we've got blind items for you, five of 'em. After the jump you can read about a fashionable couple fleeing New York for the left coast, a charitable singing duo, an actor addicted to donating blood, a B/C actress who helps kids, and an actor who may, in fact, not be an asshole. 1) "Which fashionable couple is trying to quash rumors of his infidelities and their possible separation by fleeing NYC to California for the summer?" [NYDN] 2) "This sister singing duo from a foreign country were performing a show in Los Angeles one time and as usual it was completely sold out. Not a huge place, and as a result there were lots of people who were sent away without getting in. Well, there was a group of about ten girls who were not going to go anywhere and they decided they would at least sit outside the place in the hopes they could hear a few notes at least. Well somehow that news made it to the two wingers and they decided to take the entire group of girls and brought them backstage and let them watch the entire show from the the side of the stage. After the show they posed for photos, signed autographs and gave away practically anything that was giveable." [CDaN] 3) "This former A list television actor on a very huge super sized hit network comedy and now someone who is trying to find some other identity other than that character either in television or film makes sure that he gives blood every two months like clockwork. He has been doing this now for almost ten years all with no fanfare or attention." [CDaN] 4) "Wow this actress is the epitome of a B/C lister. Everyone knows her because she has had some great roles on some great television shows and some films. Every time she gets her own series, it doesn't do so well, but she is incredibly well liked. Right now she is filming a remake/sequel to one of my favorite films of all time from the 70's. I'm cheesy that way. Anyway, when she is in LA, she volunteers at an after school program which helps kids with their homework and to give them adult guidance they may not get at home. When she is filming in a different city, she calls around and tries to do the same thing at other schools on a temporary basis." [CDaN] 5) "Is this actor A list? Interesting question. He was an A list action film star and then kept giving it all away. Now he is probably still considered A list by definition, but probably more a B. Well in the past several years, this actor has without any publicity given away about $250,000 to various SPCA charities and other pet organizations. Turns out the guy everyone always thinks is a jerk is actually a pretty nice guy."

Which Supermodel Chased an Actor All the Way to New York?

Richard Lawson · 08/01/08 08:37AM

Hey hey Friday! And, August 1st! As we begin the tumble into autumn, let's try to hold onto some of the breezy, silly things of summer that we so enjoy. Like blind items! After the jump we have a supermodel who followed an actor across the pond and a troubled, druggy thesp. 1) "Which leggy supermodel chased an up-and-coming British actor to New York in a desperate attempt to date him?" [Mirror] 2) "Hey, it's definitely not Ben Affleck, but it is someone who starred with him in a film once. Of course that could be a lot of people so lets narrow it down to B- actor, 95% films, although two great television appearances that come to mind are also part of his resume. He has basically been off the radar the past year. Oh sure, a bit part here and a bit part there, but this actor with the A list facial recognition has spent the better part of the past year in rehab. Not quite the crack smoking in the living room firing off shotguns, but he did manage to abuse just about every drug you can imagine over the past three years. What finally sent him to rehab though was his ex wife's promise to take away visitation rights of their child(ren) if he didn't stop leaving her/him/them unattended so he could both score and use drugs. The drug paraphernalia littering the floor was probably also not good parenting." [CDaN]

Which Sham Marriage Is Falling Apart Due to Gayness?

Richard Lawson · 07/31/08 08:48AM

Another day, another monster. Well, monster may be a bit harsh. Today we have two blind items, one about a bitchy TV personality who may be British and therefore completely moot, another about two closeted actors who pretend to be in love. What a world we live in. A world full of monsters. 1) "Which sleazy TV personality has a penchant for prostitutes? He gets his overworked PA to ring ahead and book his chosen girl." [Mirror] 2) "A very long time ago I posted about the B list couple (films and television for both with television being their forte) that hated being married to each other, but lived with it because they hated admitting they were wrong in public more. They are the couple who negotiated deals with each other for photos together. They never took many together, but at least it was some. Well now, they can't even stand to take photos together and her girlfriend is getting antsy and wants to take things public. He understands because he also plays for the home team, although not as openly. The problem is his career couldn't take the exposure of an outing while hers could probably use the boost. Oh, they do have (a) child(ren)." [CDaN]

Which Actors Are Having Secret Rendezvous?

Richard Lawson · 07/30/08 08:27AM

Which day of the week didn't have much by way of blind items, save for a rambling one about B and C list actors and another about British soap operas? Wednesday. I'm gonna go with Wednesday. Enjoy what little we have, after the jump. 1) "I would have to say that this television and film actor is B list by his body of work, but probably C list in name recognition. Everyone who reads the site would know who he is and he definitely has a huge body of work. He really only has one award and it is not one you particularly want to win. Now, me, I would accept anything, but I'm easy. Anyway, our actor is married, with child(ren) and whenever he can get out of town or away from the wife he has someone that he is fairly serious about. She is definitely C list all the way but on a very hit network drama. She is gorgeous and busty and has a very well known beard she has been hanging out with in public. Apparently the couple feels they are safe when they are out of town and so are all over each other. Their most recent foray was slightly south of LA." [CDaN] (Very hit!) 2) "Which soap hunk is despised by colleagues for his unprofessional behaviour on-set?" [Mirror]

Who Has the Porno Past?

Richard Lawson · 07/29/08 11:45AM

I know this is late. I have a perfectly good explanation for why, but I'm sure most of you don't speak Bulgarian and have never been "in the back of a Gypsy van." So that out of the way, let's move on to blind items. We've got a disgraced richie in Greenwich, another businessman with a porno past, a tiny terror, and something about soap operas. Enjoy. I'm going to go dress this wound. 1) "Which formerly wealthy Greenwich, Conn., gent, a victim of the economic malaise, saw the horse he bought for one of his kids get repossessed? When the red-faced dad threatened to call the cops, the repo man said, 'Go ahead. It's our horse.'" [P6] 2) "Which businessman is hiding his past as a pornographer now that his kids are being teased by private-school classmates? The ex-sleaze purveyor hired a team of hackers to flood the 'Net with bogus posts, so now the porno is buried under layers of fluff." [P6] 3) "What designer's grandson was a "tiny terror" at Super Saturday in the Hamptons last weekend? As Lorraine Bracco, Christy Turlington, Kelly Ripa and 1,500 others shopped at the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund benefit, 'The kid was a category 5 tornado,' one shocked shopper tells us, 'knocking over clothing and displays.' He then lifted a woman's dress, and, the source adds: 'Neither his mother nor a nanny bothered to intercede. [The mom] didn't seem the slightest bit embarrassed.' Finally, after several hours of misdeeds, the child was taken home." [I think that's a blind item?] [NYDN] 4) "This one almost sounds like a soap. So, CBS soap and you have a former star (#1)who broke up with her celebrity boyfriend (#2) for a guy on the show (#3). Well turns out that he was really enjoying her while she was with the other guy but didn't really want her full-time. Then after she did break up with her celebrity boyfriend and was expecting to be swept into her arms, she must have been devastated to learn that another woman on the show (#4) had also left her actor husband (#5) for #3 as well. Got all that?" [CDaN]

Which Academy Award Winner Has an S&M Fetish?

Richard Lawson · 07/28/08 08:42AM

And somehow it's almost August, and we're tired with summer but don't want it to end. Time keeps moving on, and the blind items just keep coming. After the jump we have: an actor searching for coke, a coked-out chick-lit author, a cheating celeb, a "drunken buffoon," and an S&M enthusiast. Happy Monday! 1) "Which mega-actor sends members of his entourage to club doormen looking for blow?" [NDYN] 2) "Which newly minted chick-lit authoress needs to keep her extracurricular activities under better wraps? She was spotted desperately wiping her nose and clicking her jaw during a daytime bash out in the Hamptons last weekend and made no secret of the fact that she was flying high as a kite. " [NYDN] 3) "Which celeb is desperate to keep his girlfriend a secret because he's afraid his string of mistresses will find out and it'll scupper his chances with them?" [Mirror] 4) "Besides being a drunken buffoon, this A list actor has caused quite the stir at one of the gated complexes in which he lives. Seems he is a big fan of long walks at night. The thing is, his walks seem to always call for a break whenever he sees an open window that he can peer through. Doesn't seem to be all about sex. He just likes walking up to open windows and looking in. Neighbors don't appreciate it very much, although so far it has only involved private security and not the cops." [CDaN] 5) "Mild mannered on and off screen, this aging, but not old, former Academy Award winning actor has a favorite haunt. He loves this S&M club. Although his name is on the membership records, when he is at the club or an event he always wears a mask the entire time and has everyone call him Steve. His favorite activities always have to include redheads. Don't know why, just one of his kinks apparently." [CDaN] 6) "This male television A-lister and C+ film lister has a unique game. How many different women he can have sex with in 24 hours? No hookers allowed. Has to be women he picks up. So far his current record is 7. His male co-star with a steady girlfriend keeps track. Oh, and the girlfriend knows and thinks it is hot. Her word, definitely not mine." [CDaN]

Which Celebrity Is Embarrassed By Her Teeny Tiny Boyfriend?

Richard Lawson · 07/25/08 09:19AM

Honestly, I don't know what to make of the blind items after the jump. I had a really weird dream last night and I'm still trying to process that. Alls I know is that there are reality stars, athletes, and a mis-matched celebrity couple. Friday!

Which TV Pals Aren't Speaking In Real Life?

Richard Lawson · 07/24/08 09:17AM

The heat is breaking. I woke up feeling good this morning. You could take a walk and window shop and enjoy the day in this temperature. Instead we're all glued to a damn computer. Hopefully the three blind items after the jump will help ease the pain. TV stars and reality show people are doing things. That's the gist.

Who Hides Her Booze in a Starbucks Cup?

Richard Lawson · 07/23/08 08:36AM

Drinking outdoors is fun. One of the best things about the summer. But drinking vodka while walking around during the day seems kind of depressing. Even so, it seems to be a habit for one lady celebrity. Her tale, plus a drunken reality TV star, a threesome-having couple, and a drugged-out talk show host, after the jump.