
Glenn Beck Mocks a Birther

Pareene · 01/05/10 12:39PM

On his radio show yesterday, popular hysterical demagogue Glenn Beck insulted a "Birther." He noted, correctly, that while he is often accused of being a conspiracist, he has not endorsed the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy. Then, in order to make sure people continued referring to him as a conspiracist, he alleged that calls from birthers were part of an organized White House effort to discredit the opposition. Just like every racist sign at a Tea Party is being held by a secret left-wing provocateur.

Palin Becomes a Birther as Revenge Unto Those Who Doubted Trig

Maureen O'Connor · 12/04/09 02:12AM

In a radio interview, Palin endorsed those who question Obama's national origin. Her rationale? "That weird conspiracy freak thing that Trig isn't my real son." Those jerks wanted to see Trig's birth certificate—now she must see Obama's.

Outrage-Off: Breitbart vs. Birthers

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/09 05:03PM

Lib bigots are faking climate change and electing a British monkey to the presidency. Only outrageous crypto-conservative statements in the media can save us. Time for your daily outrage-off! Today: Andrew Breitbart vs. Birthers. Vote in the outrage poll below!

Are Birthers Really The New Truthers?

Pareene · 09/11/09 01:14PM

9/11 Truthers—the actual, self-declared movement Truthers—are, universally and without exception, morons. Van Jones signed a Truther petition, which was incredibly stupid, but he says he is not actually a Truther. Wha...?

Media Matters Inadvertently Contributes to Birther Documentary

Pareene · 08/25/09 09:14AM

Like it is barely even about how Barack Obama was secretly born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and is the son of Malcolm X! Most of the movie is just clips of cable news people talking about the election and Obama's first few months in office. But the highlight is surely this all-time classic of unintended consequences:

This Week In Depressing Polls

Pareene · 08/19/09 03:32PM

When there aren't elections going on, the only thing pollsters can poll is "how fucking nuts is everyone, anyway?" Hey, look, a new Birthers poll!