
The Clintons Support Estate Taxes, Avoid Estate Taxes

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/14 10:24AM

America has treated the Clinton family pretty well. They've become millionaires many times over. But a new report says that even as they support policies to tax the estates of the extreme wealthy, they try to avoid those taxes on their own wealth.

Adam Weinstein · 04/14/14 04:01PM

1) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton secures an agreement from Russia to buy $3.7 billion worth of Boeing aircraft. Boeing 2) donates $900,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation, and Boeing's top lobbyist 3) holds a fundraiser for Hillary's presidential super PAC. What a country!

Lacey Donohue · 12/28/13 03:19PM

It was announced Saturday that Bill de Blasio will be sworn in as the mayor of New York City by former President Bill Clinton. The Wednesday inauguration ceremony will take place at noon on the steps of City Hall.

Lacey Donohue · 11/20/13 07:43PM

[Oprah Winfrey and former President Bill Clinton were two of the 16 recipients of this year's Presidential Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony on Wednesday. The award is the nation's highest civilian honor. Photo by Evan Vucci via AP]

Bill Clinton’s Body Man Is a Pathetic, Greedy Grifter

J.K. Trotter · 09/23/13 03:46PM

Yesterday, The New Republic published a mammoth profile of Doug Band, Bill Clinton's longtime body man and all-purpose Clintonland gatekeeper, a 40-year-old Floridian-turned-New Yorker with a taste for luxury. Senior writer Alec MacGillis describes how Band, from his toehold as a gofer and coat-holder, shamelessly traded on his access to the former President to amass millions of dollars, an enormous Manhattan apartment, and cushy appointments on corporate boards. The piece documents and perhaps implements the rest of the Clinton family's desire, after all these years, to get him out—presumably before he can damage Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential prospects.

Clinton Mistress Backing Hillary, Selling Hillary-Is-a-Lesbian Rumors

J.K. Trotter · 09/19/13 12:16PM

Bill Clinton's mistress is back! No, not that one—or that one. The other one! Gennifer Flowers has a new internet column, and to promote it she's there in the Daily Mail, the only appropriate outlet, giving away some ancient Hillary-is-a-lesbian "gems" and endorsing the de facto Democratic candidate for president:

What’s This Times Piece About the Clintons Saying?

J.K. Trotter · 08/14/13 05:50PM

Early this morning, the New York Times unveiled a 2,878-word, A1 investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the eponymous philanthropic arm of the Clinton family’s equally unquenchable ambitions. “PAPER TAKES DOWN CLINTON FOUNDATION,” Drudge trumpeted; “devastating,” The Telegraph gasped. Uh, but: the piece doesn’t seem to have much of a point. Is the Times trying to say something it can’t print?

Did a Fashion-CEO Friend of Bill Clinton Give His Date Herpes?

Adam Weinstein · 04/05/13 09:25AM

It's a story as old as love: You meet a gorgeous guy online who regales you with stories about his pal Bill Clinton over drinks at the Surrey Hotel. Heady with glee, you accompany this former CEO to the live jazz scene at the Carlyle. Roses, a driver, the whole she-bang. Date number two caps a lovely dinner with the Grammys back at your pad, and yeah, maybe you go back to his amazing apartment and agree to a little barebacking. A couple weeks later, instead of taking Paris together, you're alone with all of the penicillin.

Cowardice As a Political Philosophy

Hamilton Nolan · 03/26/13 11:19AM

The tenth anniversary of the Iraq War was marked by a procession of mostly liberal pundits solemnly apologizing for supporting the ill-fated invasion in the first place. As the issue of gay marriage goes in front of the Supreme Court, we're treated to the sight of the former president who signed the Defense of Marriage Act arguing that it should be overturned. Let's talk about what courage and cowardice in politics really mean.

Gennifer Flowers Now Looks Like Dolly Parton

Rich Juzwiak · 03/20/13 04:45PM

Where Are They Now? is kind of like OWN's version of a TLC freak show except the freaks who detail their lives in inevitably fascinating babble are people whose notoriety Oprah Winfrey helped facilitate. (Never forget that OWN is owned by O.) Or at least, they are people formerly of note. Such was the case on last night's episode featuring Gennifer Flowers, the woman who claimed to have an affair with Bill Clinton during his first run for office in 1992. She claims that Star magazine came to her with knowledge of her involvement, which caused her to announce it to the public.