Public urinator Justin Bieber took to his Twitter account yesterday evening to say he and Bill Clinton buried the hatchet after the pop singer was caught on tape dousing a photo of the former president with cleaning liquid and obscenities.

"@billclinton thanks for taking the time to talk Mr. President," Bieber tweeted. "Your words meant alot. #greatguy." Bieber didn't elaborate on the exchange, nor did Clinton respond to the tweet, but several gossip sites say it was Bieber who phoned Clinton to apologize for disrespecting him.

A source who spoke with Extra says the two had a "great conversation" during which Clinton accepted the apology and "told the pop star to be conscious of the friends he keeps and to focus on the good work he is doing."

Clinton, who knows a thing or two about being caught with his pants down doing something he should be doing, told Bieber "if that is the worst thing you have ever done, all is well," according to E! Online.

No word on whether Bieber also reached out to the kitchen staff at Artichoke Basille's Pizza to apologize for making them clean a mop bucket full of his piss.

[tweet via @justinbieber]