
Choire · 10/12/07 02:15PM

Bill Clinton is an UNDERMINER! "Al Gore has been warning and educating us about the dangers of climate change for decades. He saw this coming before others in public life and never stopped pushing for action to save our planet, even in the face of public indifference...." [NYO]

abalk · 09/04/07 01:15PM

From the mailbag, regarding Union Square: "I think the helicopters might have something to do with Bill Clinton signing autographs down at the Barnes and Noble over there." Insert your own sinkhole joke here.

Bill Clinton Samples The Sweets

Erica · 08/29/07 12:50PM

The date: August 21st
The place: 1011 3rd Ave.
Sighted: Saw Bill Clinton yesterday at Dylan's Candy Bar. Dylan was also present and looking rather preppy (duh). Bill was rocking a "Hillary in '08" button on his lapel. Very friendly and taking lots of pictures with the ladies.

abalk · 07/10/07 10:20AM

Did Bill Clinton bug Princess Diana in an attempt to ease Hillary's path to the Senate? Mickey Kaus uses Tina Brown's recent biography of the late princess to connect some dots showing that, well, we're not sure. Nice to know that Bill can still make people crazy though! [Kausfiles]

Is Bill Clinton Really Keeping It In His Pants?

abalk · 07/02/07 11:40AM

So how come we haven't heard about any of Bill Clinton's famous "bimbo eruptions" in the run-up to Hillary's coronation? English blog-news thing The First Post—and pretty much everyone else—wonders. After speculating that maybe a bum ticker has kept Bill's wandering wang at bay, the website suggests that Bill's under strict orders from Hill to keep it from getting out (both his wang and any news of its notorious activities). Clinton crank R. Emmett Tyrell, whose obsession with the former president approaches Peter Braunstein levels of mania, says the all-quiet on the breastern front is no accident.

"The Clintons" Are "The Sopranos"

abalk · 06/19/07 10:38AM

It's been a good run, but I think it's safe to say that all those parodies of "The Sopranos" series finale have finally been consigned to the dustbin of history. We're too shocked to even come up with a Bill Clinton comare joke. Hillary, Hillary... now you have to apologize for this and your Iraq vote! What were you thinking?

abalk · 06/05/07 08:58AM

Bill Clinton: 'God, you see the ass on that one?' [AP]

The Clintons And Page Six

Doree Shafrir · 05/23/07 09:50AM

Today's Observer takes an aggressive look at the relationship between the Clintons and the New York Post, specifically wondering whether items about Bill and Hil were changed or killed because of their relationship with Rupert Murdoch. Recall that the Post's treatment of the Clintons seemed to change rather suddenly around the summer of 2005; everyone assumed that Murdoch had suddenly seen the political utility of donating money to Hillary's campaign.

Rush Limbaugh "Very Familiar" With Ron Burkle

balk · 05/17/07 03:06PM

So Rush Limbaugh met former president Bill Clinton last night. How very nineties! It turned out to be an amiable affair at Jeffrey Chodorow's Kobe Club. (Gag.) Clinton also introduced Rush to L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who ran interference while Bill chatted up Limbaugh's date. But there was another member of the president's party there as well!

Clinton and Geffen: What Soured The Greatest Friendship Since Damon and Pythias?

abalk2 · 02/23/07 10:02AM

There's been a big falling out between gay gajillionaire David Geffen and lady-loving former president Bill Clinton (and his partner-by-marriage Hillary). Political analyst Mickey Kaus (who proves that you don't have to believe in any single plank of the Democratic platform to still call yourself a Democrat) believes the enmity stems from Bill Clinton's "lying about whether he was going to pardon [jailed Native American activist] Leonard Peltier". Makes sense to us—Hollywood executives are so rarely lied to that when it actually does happen, they're outraged. The Times, on the other hand, has a different theory which, as with seemingly everything else in our world, features Ron Burkle.

Is There Anything Bill Clinton Can't Do?

Emily Gould · 02/14/07 12:40PM

"Former President Bill Clinton helped his wife, Hillary, secure..." Wow, who would have thought that Bill and Hill would be the ones who finally tracked that Osama guy down! GO TEAM AMERICA! Oh. " a key endorsement from an African-American leader who was being courted by Illinois Sen. Barack Obama." So it's just yet another Obama/Osama typo—one at least, we see, corrected in later editions. But we had our little flags all ready to wave and everything!

Ron Burkle vs. Jeffrey Epstein: Probable Cause

Chris Mohney · 11/28/06 04:40PM

Considering why Ron Burkle now supposedly "detests" former dinner companion and alleged sex perv Jeffrey Epstein, the most obvious explanation was that Burkle passed judgment on Epstein's bedroom proclivities. However, the real reason for their split may go back to two particular forces responsible for so much anxiety in this town — Bill Clinton and Radar magazine. In hindsight, it was all too obvious, really.

Fox 'News' Protects World From Dangerous Clinton

Jessica · 09/26/06 11:10AM

After the Fox News Sunday "smackdown" between host Chris Wallace and Bill Clinton — in which Wallace suggested that Clinton practically flew the planes into the Twin Towers himself — the blogosphere's been abuzz with overanalysis. But in the online clips approved by Fox News, you only see a kind introduction from Wallace and "Clinton Freaks Out" headlines. As for the full version of the interview that's been "leaked" without the appropriate political framing — Fox News isn't so happy about that. They've pulled the "unauthorized" versions from YouTube, lest viewers see the interview and dangerously formulate their own opinion. Sweet ol' Rupert's just looking out for y'all.