
Pasta CEO Refuses to Make Ad 'with a Homosexual Family'

Cord Jefferson · 09/26/13 12:14PM

Well, this is too bad. Guido Barilla, head of the world's biggest pasta brand, went on an anti-gay rant on Italian radio yesterday, proclaiming that he would never OK a commercial depicting a gay family and that if gays don't like his views "they can eat another pasta."

Tom Scocca · 04/30/13 01:54PM

Corrupt fraud-lizard Lanny Davis comforts jabbering bigot Tim Brando about Twitter meanies who "spew hate and venom—almost always anonymously." You're both stains on humanity. Signed, Gawker.

College Student Schools Rick Santorum on His Ludicrous Gay Marriage Position

Brian Moylan · 08/31/11 03:30PM

Sure, Dan Savage rebranded Rick Santorum's name to mean a piece of shit, but here is the right-wing candidate for the Republican presidential nomination behaving like one while discussing his stance on gay marriage at Penn State. His argument against gays getting married is painfully easy to debunk, but you have to give credit to someone who can do it to his face.

Michele Bachmann in Her Own Words: 'Gays Are Part of Satan'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/13/11 12:29AM

We know where Michele Bachmann stands on heterosexuality: She's very for it! At least according to the binding contract she recently signed with Jesus, in which marriage was explicitly defined as being "between one man and one woman." We also know where her husband, Marcus Bachmann, falls on the topic of homosexuality: He's firmly against it! So against, in fact, that he runs a small gay exorcism business, despite he himself being seemingly possessed by the demonic spirit of an off-duty drag queen named Big Mama. But where does Mrs. Bachmann stand on homosexuality?

Jon Stewart Chronicles the Evolution of John McCain's Angry Insanity

Matt Cherette · 01/05/11 11:27PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the 108th Congress. Specifically, Stewart lambasted curmudgeonly bigot John McCain for his increasingly angry, insane rhetoric. Then, Stewart fought with a puppet version of McCain. The entertaining bit, inside.