Claudia Gocman, 27, was already pissed off when she sat down and watched her “professional” wedding video. It was low quality, missing key moments, and, according to the Jewish Chronicle, you could see “more of the guests’ backs than the faces.” And then she heard the cameraman, Anthony Aurelius, making anti-Semitic remarks.

Apparently Aurelius didn’t realize he had left the camera on while chatting with his assistant (who mentions it’s his first Jewish ceremony) during the London wedding shoot. And he clearly didn’t watch the video before sending it to the couple.

Notable quotables from the happiest day of their life:

  • “Mental, Israeli dancing, isn’t it? There’s a real feeling of like, they’re better than everybody else.”
  • “I don’t think I blame Hitler.”
  • “Not a lot of niceness about them is there?"
  • "They’ve never been respected anyway, these people, and they’ve never respected themselves.”
  • "Jewish women are beautiful, but cows."
  • “Some of the Jewish women are very beautiful to look at, but I can tell you, they’d be right fucking cows. Very fucking snooty, they’d be a pain in the arse."

He also makes plenty of comments on the couple’s decision to spend cash on a “big money hotel” and expensive photographers, but only opted for his “bronze” video deal. I wonder what additional bigotry is featured in the gold package?

After viewing the video, Gocman emailed the videographer and told him he completely “ruined memories” of the wedding. In response, Aurelius issued the couple a complete refund, wrote them a handwritten apology note, and sent an email that included the following bronze-package thoughts:

“I am very sorry for our stupid, child ish conversation. I am also very sorry for offending you and possibly your family also. You did not deserve this. I am ashamed, in honesty.”

“I have felt awful about this and did not know what to say, in truth.”

“We know, in truth, very little about what went on in the war. To be deeply honest, I respect your strength as a culture from coming back from this.”

“I am trying to walk a good life, but in this instance I failed very badly in God’s eyes. I need to grow up here it seems and pay more attention to developing my character. This has taught me a lot to grow up in terms of not just my actions, but what I say.”

As for how Gocman feels about her wedding video experience, in truth, “I’m very angry and don’t want any other Jews to use him.”

[Video via Jewish Chronicle]