
Cool New Church Makes Homophobia Hip for New Yorkers

Max Read · 04/24/11 02:49PM

Most reasonable people can agree that the only thing missing from the modern church experience is Death Cab for Cutie lyrics. The arrival, then, of the Trinity Grace Church to New York City's East Village ("a neighborhood perceived by many as libertine," The New York Times hazards) proves welcome: Trinity Grace's pastor and founder, 33-year-old Guy Wasko, quotes from Death Cab as freely as he does from scripture. And that's not all! The Rev. Wasko, we are told by the Times, sports "spiky brown hair" and "eight-gauge steel posts in both ears"; he has a tattoo, and, judging by the accompanying photographs, a soul patch. In other words: This guy is legit. And thanks to him, the East Village is getting a dose of rock 'n roll preaching:

Pizza Guy Will Not Appoint Muslims to His Administration

Max Read · 03/28/11 11:17PM

How do you pick which Republican presidential candidate to support? They all say they hate Sharia law—but they'd probably all immediately hire al Qaeda members upon being elected to office. All of them—except for Herman Cain.

Insane Crowd Protests Muslim Fundraiser for Women's Shelters

Max Read · 03/04/11 12:49AM

The Southern California chapter of a Muslim charity called Islamic Circle of North American Relief USA held an event in Orange County last month hoping to raise about $350,000 for "women's shelters, fighting hunger and homelessness in the area." So of course hundreds of people showed up to protest, chanting "go back home" and "Muhammad was a pervert."

Lawsuit Filed Over Oklahoma's Sharia Ban

Remy Stern · 11/05/10 05:04PM

Days after Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure to prohibit its courts from considering Sharia or international law, the Council on American-Islamic Relations' Oklahoma director filed a lawsuit asking for an injunction against the law.

The Ladies of The View Blast "Evil" Carl Paladino

Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 01:53PM

Carl Paladino is currently "Under fire, child," (as Whoopi Goldberg said) for, well, being a homophobic idiot. On today's episode of The View, the ladies discussed Paladino's reprehensible anti-gay statements, and—in a first, really—they were all in agreement.

Is This Webcam Spying Victim Tyler Clementi's Last Call for Help?

Max Read · 09/29/10 10:02PM

Did 18-year-old Tyler Clementi—whose roommate live-streamed video of him "making out with a dude"—reach out for help before killing himself? A thread on a gay community message board apparently tells the story in Clementi's own words.

Man Charged With Hate Crime For Punching Sikh Store Clerk

Remy Stern · 08/31/10 10:10PM

A Washington man was charged with a hate crime today for assaulting a 7-11 clerk wearing a turban last week. His words to the convenience store employee? "You're not even American, you're Al-Qaeda. Go back to your country."