Most Vile Politician in America Hellbent on Vanquishing Muslims, Muslim Congressman

Lynne Torgerson—who is running against Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), a popular, well-respected U.S. Congressman—wants to stop the "globalization of Islam" and "Ellison [who] is a Muslim." She cites 9/11, Fort Hood, and the book Muslim Mafia as evidence.
It is our patriotic duty to ridicule this woman and her bigotry. She's hit the national stage despite describing herself as "apolitical" but for her disgust for Ellison, who, in 2006, was the first Muslim elected to Congress. From her campaign website:
Keith Ellison is a Muslim, a person who was raised Christian and converted to Islam. ... Now, with all due respect, America, and its people, should be lauded for its goal of promoting to public office and other high ranks, people of color, women, minorities, etc. However, quite frankly, in our zeal, we simply went too far with Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison simply is not a proper person to have in our federal government. [emphasis mine]
Torgerson, an independent candidate, devotes a third of her "Issues" page to "Freedom of Religion," but she explains that Islam "is not 'religion' recognizable under the First Amendment" because it wants to "kill people not of their faith" and to "Islamize the entire world." (Torgerson aligns with the Catholic Church, which has never killed a nonbeliever or converted a wayward, thank Allah.)
And, what do I know of Islam? Well, I know of 911. Nineteen (19) men from Saudi Arabia, all Muslim, hi-jacked planes, and flew into the two (2) World Trade Towers murdering thousands of people, and tried to fly into our Pentagon...
People say that we can't include the moderate, peace loving Muslims. Well, I agree. But, who are they? ... I cannot tell. It is not for me to go and try and find them. Rather, it is their duty to stand up and identify themselves, if there are any.
I know why Lynne can't find "peace loving Muslims." It's that when a Muslim tells her "I love peace," what she hears is, "I am going to kill you":
I think it is interesting that Keith Ellison, in the past year or so, introduced a bill entitled "Global Peace." "Global." I think that word is telling. Globalization of Islam. It is also my understanding that when people of the Muslim faith use the word peace, that "peace" to them means the elimination of Christians and Jews. [emphasis mine]
Let's return to the screed:
Recently, I was in the courthouse, the new Public Safety Facility in Minneapolis, and I saw an Islamic mother, covered in fabric from head to toe, and walking 5 to 15 feet BEHIND her son....
What else have I heard about Muslims? Fort Hood. What was the result of the teachings of Islam on a Muslim, who was an officer in the United States' military? Well, the result was him killing, I believe, 13 American soldiers, and injuring many others. Not one person killed or injured was a Muslim. In another book I am currently reading, entitled Muslim Mafia, it is suggested that Muslims want to infiltrate our police departments, our governments, etc., with the goal of Islamizing America.
You'd think the person espousing these beliefs would be a low-functioning nobody. But the lady is a lawyer, meaning she was smart enough to pass the bar, so her IQ can't be so low as to allow her to plead innocent by reason of mental defect.
Me, I am a Christian. If someone criticizes Jesus, I am not going to go kill them. I may not even notice.
I'm glad you don't kill people who criticize Jesus, Lynne, because I'm going to do so right now: Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you to allow this hateful monstrosity—with a belief system more repugnant than Michele Bachmann's and a hairdo worse than Kate Gosselin's—to be unleashed unto humanity?
Luckily, Lynne Torgerson appears to be incompetent. Her website is farcically amateurish: The part where she attempts to embed a YouTube video, but fails, is actually sad. Here is a screen grab of her homepage, which was designed by the same fourth grade militiaman who wrote her campaign platforms:

So she definitely won't get elected. God help us if she ever runs for a smaller political office, like one where she is the only candidate. She has managed to cobble together opinions on a number of topics, unified by a thin fiber of self-righteousness and crazy—but ultimately, Lynne Torgerson is running an entire congressional campaign on bigotry, ignorance, and arbitrarily deployed pigheadedness. And finally, let it be known that, if you are working on your political website and find yourself needing this caveat:
Now, these are very sensitive subjects. And, I should apologize in advance for those who I offend or whose feelings I hurt.
What you actually need is to stop being in politics.
[HuffPo] [MNIndy] [Torgerson4Cong]