
Four Years in Slammer for Bernie

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/10 12:16PM

Crooked former NYPD commissioner Bernie Kerik has been sentenced to four years in prison, after pleading guilty to eight felonies, for being a corrupt liar. This dude was almost our Homeland Security chief. Giuliani in 2012! [AP]

Prosecutors: Bernie Kerik Was a Republican

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/10 09:44AM

Disgraced former NYPD commissioner Bernie Kerik is about to be sentenced. Prosecutors are asking for a stiff penalty, since he "became a wealthy man by shamelessly exploiting the most horrific civilian tragedy in this nation's history." So...Giuliani's next? [NYT]

Bernie Kerik Is a Changed Man

cityfile · 12/16/09 12:30PM

Former NYC police commissioner Bernie Kerik was released from jail on November 10 after spending nearly three weeks behind bars for violating the conditions of his bail. He's now under house arrest until he's sentenced on February 18 for the eight felony counts he pleaded guilty to last month, including tax fraud and perjury. But the stress of his three-week stint in the clink—which included a 10-day trip to the psych ward—has clearly taken its toll. He's practically unrecognizable in these new photos that Kerik posted to the Web earlier this week. Click on the photo above to see the very spooky transformation for yourself.

Bernie Kerik: Convicted Felon, Devoted Dad

cityfile · 11/10/09 04:01PM

Former police commissioner Bernie Kerik almost went crazy in prison these past couple of weeks. But now he's going home! A judge released Kerik on bail today pending his sentencing in February on the eight felony counts he pleaded guilty to last week. So it's a good day, right? Not entirely. Not only will he remain under house arrest until then, a judge put the kibosh on Kerik's request that he be allowed to leave his house to walk his kids to school. "This is not home confinement with morning strolls and afternoon strolls," the judge responded. [NYT]

Bernie Pleads Guilty

cityfile · 11/05/09 09:39AM

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik has taken the deal offered to him by prosecutors. He pleaded guilty to eight counts against him, including tax fraud and making false statements to the federal government, and he now faces between 27 to 33 months in prison. [CNN]

Bernie Kerik Has a Big Decision Ahead of Him

cityfile · 11/03/09 11:40AM

Bernie Kerik is no longer crazy, apparently. After displaying behavior that "put him at risk" and spending 10 days in a psychiatric facility, New York's former police commissioner was allowed to return to a regular prison cell at the Westchester County Jail yesterday.

Bernie Kerik, Inmate No. 210717

cityfile · 10/22/09 05:56AM

When a federal judge revoked Bernie Kerik's bail on Tuesday and decided to send NYC's former police commissioner to jail while he awaits trial on corruption charges, he said Kerik had acted as if he were "different from other people." That wasn't the way he behaved when he got to the jailhouse and said he didn't want to be separated from the rest of the prison population for his own safety. Because, you know, he's a tough guy, and can deal with anything that comes his way, clearly. Kerik didn't get his wish, unfortunately, and he was placed him in a segregated wing. Let's all just hope he was happier with outfit that prison officials picked out for him (an orange jumpsuit), and the meal they served him for dinner (meat loaf, corn and sliced potato skins). [NYT, NYP]

Bernie Kerik Sent to Jail

cityfile · 10/20/09 10:17AM

Former NYC police commissioner Bernie Kerik is on his way to jail this afternoon. A judge revoked bail in his trial on conspiracy and fraud charges today after he concluded that Kerik could not be trusted to honor an order barring him from disclosing confidential information related to the trial. (The judge described him as a "toxic combination of self-minded focus and arrogance," which sounds about right.) Fortunately for Kerik, the trial is taking place in Federal District Court in White Plains, not in Manhattan, so he won't have spend the forseeable future confined to a cell in a building that was once named the Bernard B. Kerik Complex. That could have been a bit awkward. [NYT]

Judith Regan Waited Too Long

Nick Denton · 01/25/08 02:56PM

Judith Regan, the maverick publisher fired from Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation after she pressed ahead with a book by O.J. Simpson, has settled with her former employer. Regan is not an anti-Semite; Murdoch henchman, Roger Ailes, did not pressure her to keep quiet about her former lover, dodgy Giuliani aide Bernie Kerik; and O.J. is not guilty. Whatever. The only question: how much did Rupert Murdoch pay to make the increasingly deranged Regan Books founder shut up? Answer: not as much as she would would have received before the primaries began. Rudy Giuliani's campaign is faltering and, with it, Regan's leverage. It's moot whether Fox News creator and former Nixon aide, Ailes, pressured Regan to save the Giuliani's presidential bid. It's now beyond saving. Update: A newspaper source says Regan's settlement is $25m. Pah, nothing!