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Bernie Kerik is no longer crazy, apparently. After displaying behavior that "put him at risk" and spending 10 days in a psychiatric facility, New York's former police commissioner was allowed to return to a regular prison cell at the Westchester County Jail yesterday.

But he might just be certifiable if he doesn't if doesn't take the plea bargain that's been offered to him by prosecutors. Under the terms of the deal, the three separate federal cases against him would be rolled into one and he'd serve less than three years in prison. Or he could take his chances, try to win at all three trials, and face the possibility of spending the next 20 years in jail.

Here's hoping he chooses the former. If he starts serving his sentence immediately, he'll be a free man just in time to campaign by Rudy Giuliani's side during the 2012 election cycle!

Three for the price of one [NYDN]
Jailbird Bernie gets psych 'out' [NYP]