
Amsterdam Pays Alcoholics in Beer

Sarah Hedgecock · 12/05/13 03:58PM

About a year ago, a charity in Amsterdam began a project to employ alcoholics and pay them partially in beer. And according to the New York Times, it's apparently going great.

Michigan Law Would Guarantee All Pints of Beer Are 16 Ounces

Lacey Donohue · 10/07/13 08:41PM

The federal government might be shut down but Michigan lawmakers are hard at work protecting our right to a good value. Rep. David Knezek (D-Dearborn Heights) and Rep. Brandon Dillon (D-Grand Rapids) have written a proposal to amend the state Liquor Control Act to make sure that when a pint of beer is offered at a bar or restaurant, customers are getting an “honest pint.”

What's the Best Way To Get a Drink At a Busy Bar?

Ken Layne · 09/19/13 04:30PM

An empty bar is best. You just pick a seat where there's light enough to read, and the bartender comes right over. Then there are the busy nights, when people crush around the bar three deep and getting a drink seems impossible. What kind of supernatural skills are necessary for getting a cocktail on a Saturday night?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 12:22PM

The creator of Sam Adams beer is now a billionaire. It's your fault.

Let's Change 4:20 To 5:20, For a United America

Ken Layne · 09/04/13 12:45PM

If you use the popular text-message service called Twitter, then you've surely seen an endless stream of messages each afternoon announcing the arrival of "420," or 4:20 p.m. This means people have begun smoking their marijuana. Yet "beer o'clock" does not come until 5 p.m.

Americans Are Drinking Beer From Cans Now

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/13 08:37AM

Beer-swilling Americans, globally regarded as the very Platonic ideal of refinement and taste, are renowned for their refined palates. They certainly are not the type of people to sit around on the back bumper of a pickup truck and drink themselves senseless on literally any form of alcoholic liquid no matter how disgusting while ranting about unfavored sports teams. So it is newsworthy to report that this group of gourmets is now being enticed to drink their beer out of a humble can.

Sorority Girl Buying Bottled Water Ends Up Spending Night in Jail

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 06/30/13 09:17AM

A University of Virginia student had just bought some bottled water, cookie dough and ice cream for a sorority fundraiser when a group of people in plainclothes approached her car. One person jumped on her hood, another pulled a gun on her, and the student, logically, began trying to drive her car as fast as she could out of the parking lot.

Tom Scocca · 05/07/13 02:57PM

(The beer-through-the-ears video below is brought to you from Cink, which is like Gawker an online publication in the Blogwire Hungary Szellemi Alkotast Hasznosito KFT family.)