
The Bad Luck Tale of Donal Logue

Richard Lawson · 12/06/10 05:09PM

The dude just can't seem to make it happen. Sad thing. Also today: the return of Chris Tucker, Neil Patrick Harris gets an interesting gig, and a comedy about politics seems redundant.

Be Good Johnny Weir: Sex on Ice

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 03/16/10 12:05PM

Though figure skating is most often described with tiresome combinations of adjectives like "delicate" and "graceful", Johnny Weir, always an iconoclast, is known to bring his own sexually-charged power into the rink.

Johnny Weir Gets Out-Diva'd By His Own Agent

Elaine Moran · 03/02/10 03:49PM

Anyone would think that the biggest drama queen on Be Good, Johnny Weir would be, well, Johnny Weir. However, this clip of his agent Tara having a meltdown suggests otherwise.

Also, does she remind anyone else of The Next Generation's Counselor Deanna Troi?

You Can't Keep a Good Johnny Weir Down

Elaine Moran · 02/23/10 05:25PM

Johnny Weir may not have fared as well in the Olympics we'd hoped, but he has proven that he deserves a gold medal every day for being truly outrageous. Here's his most fabulous glitterbomb moments from last night's episode.

Be Good Johnny Weir: Glitter and Be Fey, But Not Gay

Richard Lawson · 01/19/10 12:09PM

Be Good Johnny Weir, a peculiarly thoughtful new documentary series about be-spangled Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir, premiered on the Sundance Channel last night and we gave it a watch. And you know what? The kid's all right.