
Battlestar Galactica: This Week in Space

ian spiegelman · 04/26/08 01:05PM

Here is this week's roundup of the Sci-Fi Channel's rocking space opera Battlestar Galactica, from notes I took last night from deep within a liter of Johnny Walker Red Lable. (And here are the other weeks.) Could be spoilers, could maybe not be-how would I know?

Battlestar Prequel: Imagine The Wire In Space

ian spiegelman · 04/25/08 03:27PM

The fanatics at have gotten their hands on a script for Caprica, the prequel spin-off of the Sci-Fi Channel's awesome Battlestar Galactica. "CAPRICA, set a mere fifty-one years prior to the planet's destruction portrays a far seedier version of modern day earth, essentially reading like an episode of HBO's THE WIRE. Like all Ronald D. Moore projects, the pilot is riddled with political intrigue, racial prejudice, [and] religious zealots."

Battlestar Galactica: Holy Fricking Frack!

ian spiegelman · 04/19/08 12:05PM

I was even more booze-waggled than usual when I sat down last night to watch another installment of Battlestar Galactica's final season on the Sci-Fi channel. You see, I was making my way through the 2nd Avenue F train stop around 9:30 to escape filthy Manhattan for my beloved Queens when a familiar, gravelly voice, called, "Spiegelman!" It was none other than my fellow former Page Sixer, Chris Wilson. We hadn't seen each other in at least a year so, naturally, much more drinking ensued. But I did make it home for the midnight showing. And dutifully jotted the following:

Battlestar Galactica: What Happened Now?

ian spiegelman · 04/12/08 11:56AM

So, once again I eagerly tuned in for another final season episode of the Sci Fi Channel's super-grim and purely awesome Battlestar Galactica. But, once again, I was drunk. Drunk like one of those howler monkeys that live near resorts and steal people's drinks. Still, I did my best to take notes. They are here. (Possible spoilers-but I really don't know.)

Battlestar Galactica: What Happened?

ian spiegelman · 04/05/08 08:29AM

So I spent most of the week watching BSG marathons on the Sci-Fi Channel to get all caught up for last night's final season premiere episode. But I was stuck on the subway during the 10:00 p.m. showing and caught the midnight rerun. At that point I was totally smashed. Still, I took notes. But for some reason when I'm drunk-writing to myself I often get possessed by the Janitor from Scrubs. So I ended up with this:

Battlestar Galactica: There Will Be Blood

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 01:53PM

The Sci Fi Channel's Battlestar Galactica, which is the most important science fiction TV show ever, returns for its fourth and final season on Friday, and it could be a gorefest. (It damn well better be.) "Admiral Adama arrived at the door with blood on his hands. 'I'm sorry, I don't think you want me to shake,' actor Edward James Olmos said, presenting his red palms. With his world-weary eyes and the stained cuffs of his military coat, he looked like some battlefield surgeon fresh from triage." Oh! Oh! It's blood! Whose blood?

Even When It's Bad, It's Good

Nick Denton · 03/26/08 04:23PM

Battlestar Galactica, Sci Fi Channel's remake of the classic science fiction series, lost its way last season. Some of the Cylons, the machines dedicated to the destruction of humanity, developed consciences. In the final episode, four more human characters were delivered over, in a joblot, to the Cylons. The show's moral relativism was immensely refreshing in a genre generally given to absolutes; but, by the end of the third season, the struggle between man and machine has become so murky that one hardly cares. That said, Battlestar Galactica remains the most sophisticated science fiction series every made for television. The final season begins next week. (Most exciting moment, this month: lining up like a fanboy for photos with Boomer and Number Six, at Sci Fi Channel's upfront at the Morgan Library. Yes.) Via Vulture, a fellow dork, here are some witty Battlestar Galactica posters, in the style of World War Two propaganda. ENLARGE »

The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.