
Island of the Misfit Sitcom Actors

Jesse · 04/19/06 09:42AM

Ever since the demise of Battle of the Network Stars, you've assumed you won't have a chance to watch dozens of sitcom personalities hanging out together. We thought the same. Until last night, when the cute boy with whom we saw The Threepenny Opera (verdict: meh) brought us for a post-theatrical drink to a little spot called Bar Centrale, upstairs from Joe Allen on Restaurant Row.

Bulgarian Bar Update: Things Are Very Bad There, Monsieur

Jesse · 03/31/06 10:20AM

Two weeks ago the Times — both in print and in a video walking tour — directed its readers to the wonders of Menahata, the crazy second-floor Bulgarian bar at Broadway and Canal. Just days later, word came that the bar would be temporarily shut down while the building housing it was under construction. But now there's worse news, as reported by the blog Slavs of New York:

Ariel Kaminer Kills the Bulgarian Bar

Jesse · 03/20/06 01:15PM

Perhaps it's the within-the-city, streaming-video version of the Sports Illustrated cover curse: In Friday's Times, and in an accompanying video tour on the Times site, Ariel Kaminer sang the praises of that weird Bulgarian Bar — it's called Mehanata — on the corner of Canal and Broadway. The next day, the blog Slavs of New York received this email:

Allah Does Not Want You to Drink in Tribeca

Jesse · 03/07/06 09:04AM

It seems that some downtown bars, including the Tribeca Tavern, the Bubble Lounge, and several places we've never been to, are in danger of having their liquor licenses pulled. Why? From today's Sun:

Drunks go public with auto-flickr'd photobooth

ndouglas · 01/31/06 11:36AM

San Francisco dance lounge Shine is so clued in that it boasts about its address: 1337 Mission Street. Shine leetly rigged its photobooth to post directly to Flickr. (Parent company Yahoo must be proud.) The hipster hangout runs the photos across its home page.

Ace Bar Joins Grilled-Cheese Virgin Mary on eBay

Jesse · 12/06/05 12:14PM

Like drinking? (Of course you do.) Like the East Village? (Can't imagine why you wouldn't.) Have a spare $670,000 lying around? (Aha. You knew there was something.) If you answered yes to these three questions, then have we got an eBay auction for you.