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It seems that some downtown bars, including the Tribeca Tavern, the Bubble Lounge, and several places we've never been to, are in danger of having their liquor licenses pulled. Why? From today's Sun:

Some established TriBeCa bar owners are scrambling to find a legal loophole that will allow them to hold onto their liquor licenses after the State Liquor Authority moved to revoke the licenses upon learning that the bars are within 200 feet of a mosque.

In fairness, it turns out the mosque isn't labeled as such on the building and it's not taking any sides in this dispute, and it has been invoked but what seems like some bitchy, townhouse-owning couple using any NIMBYish excuse to shut down the bars in their neighborhood. All that said, we can't help feeling that if we can't have several options on where to drink within feet of West Broadway and North Moore, we're letting the terrorists win.

N.Y. State Tries to Close TriBeCa bars for Being Too Close to a Mosque [NYS]