
Obama Campaign Raises Disgusting Amount of Money

Jim Newell · 10/13/11 11:38AM

Who would donate to the Barack Obama reelection campaign now, when everyone hates politics and life and he's not even in a difficult primary or anything? Apparently plenty of people would! He raised $42.8 million during the third quarter for his campaign committee, and another $27.3 million for the national party.

Democrat Wins Race for West Virginia Governor

Max Read · 10/04/11 08:15PM

West Virginia's acting governor, Democrat Earl Ray Tomblin won tonight's special gubernatorial election despite the fact that, according to his opponent, he loves Obamacare, loves it so much he wants to gay-marry it. There'll be another election in 2012. [AP]

Hank Williams, Jr. Astutely Compares Obama to Hitler

Max Read · 10/03/11 06:29PM

Hank Williams, Jr., living monument to the irrelevance of genes in determining ability, appeared this morning on Fox & Friends to, as philosophe Steve Doocy put it, "break down the 2012 GOP field." And break down he did!

NewsBeast Retracts False Quote of Pelosi Slamming Obama Advisers

Jim Newell · 10/03/11 04:14PM

Some tough words from Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about President Obama and his team's communications strategy was raising eyebrows in Washington Monday morning, but that was before Pelosi disavowed the quote and Newsweek's Daily Beast admitted a mistake and retracted it.

Watch Obama's Speech From Last Night's HRC Dinner

Lauri Apple · 10/02/11 01:24PM

Last night President Barack Obama delivered the keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)'s National Dinner in Washington, DC, and spent much of his time at the podium raving about his meal. "The dinner rolls were absolutely divine," he said. "The little potatoes—well, I need to get that seasoning recipe before I leave here tonight. And the peas and carrots had the perfect amount of butter on them. I remember when I was really little, like maybe five or six, my mother used to drop a whole inch-thick cube of butter on my peas and carrots, which turned them into a fattening, greasy soup. I always told her, 'Ma,' I said, 'if you want me to eat my vegetables, you gotta lighten up on the Land o'Lakes. My arteries, man.' But she never acknowledged my simple requests, and now I bear the emotional scars of feeling invisible during my formative years."

A Timeline of Barack Obama's Reelection Campaign Begging for Cash

Jim Newell · 09/30/11 02:14PM

The third quarter fundraising deadline for presidential candidates is today, today's the day! If you are subscribed to President Obama's campaign email or text message alert lists, you're well aware of this, because you are constantly getting emails and text messages with cutesy variations of, "So how bout those dumb Republicans, eh? Want to have dinner? Give us money right now." Here's the official recorded history of this aggressive blitz, going back a couple of weeks.

Michelle Obama Shops at Target, Just Like You

Seth Abramovitch · 09/29/11 10:02PM

Michelle Obama was snapped Thursday at the Target store in Alexandria, Virginia. (Click image to enlarge, if you don't believe us!) Hidden beneath a Nike cap and sunglasses, the First Lady pushed her own cart around the store for approximately 30 minutes, and was recognized only by her cashier. The White House confirmed that it was indeed Mrs. Obama rummaging through the discount Missoni chemise bin, with First Lady communications director Kristina Schake explaining, "It is not uncommon for the First Lady to slip out to run an errand, eat at a local restaurant or otherwise enjoy the city outside the White House gates." Will this be the TP-run that loses Obama the union vote? Developing! [Photo credit: AP]

Ed Koch Changes Mind, Decides That Obama Doesn't Hate Jews

Jim Newell · 09/27/11 02:35PM

Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch recently endorsed Republican Bob Turner in the special election for Anthony Weiner's old congressional seat, helping him pull off the upset against Democrat Dave Weprin. Koch, who supported Obama in 2008, wanted to punish the Democratic party over "President Obama's open hostility to the State of Israel." But that was all a few weeks ago! He's now changed his mind and endorsed Obama, after being invited to a fancy party.

Obama Heckled by Jesus' Agent

Seth Abramovitch · 09/27/11 01:20AM

Here's some unsettling footage of Barack Obama addressing a group of supporters at the House of Blues on L.A.'s Sunset Strip on Monday night. During the president's remarks, an unseen man approaches the stage, and proceeds to shout at the top of his lungs...

Bankrupt Solyndra Executives Take the Fifth

John Cook · 09/23/11 12:34PM

The chief executive and chief financial officers of Solyndra, the California solar panel manufacturer that took a half-billion dollars in federal loan guarantees in 2009 and promptly went bankrupt, leaving taxpayers on the hook, were given an opportunity to explain themselves today before a congressional committee today. They took the Fifth.

Jon Stewart Takes on Obama, U.N. for Blocking Palestinian Membership Bid

Matt Cherette · 09/23/11 12:22AM

During his speech before the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, President Obama said the U.S. would oppose a Palestinian bid for UN membership—despite the fact he called for precisely that just a year ago—suggesting Palestine should resolve its conflict with Israel privately. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart expressed his feelings on the matter by comparing the UN to a housing co-op with Obama "that one hardass on the co-op board who always shoots people down."

Stephen Colbert Advocates Underground Solution to Deficit Debate

Matt Cherette · 09/21/11 01:48AM

President Obama waged class warfare on Monday when he announced a plan to narrow the budget deficit by increasing the minimum tax rate for those making more than $1 million a year. Republicans shot back, demanding instead that people without any money start paying taxes on that non-money. It's a classic rich vs. poor stalemate—one that Stephen Colbert attempted to solve on tonight's Report when he looked to the ground—six or so feet below it, actually—before suggesting a third party solution.

Obama to Wage Class Warfare

Max Read · 09/18/11 05:16PM

What are you doing tomorrow at 10:30? Meeting some guy from Craigslist who says he'll buy your kid? If you're near a television, check out President Obama's Rose Garden address—he's going to propose class warfare!