
Here's a Cool New Painting of Obama Burning the Constitution

Max Read · 03/21/12 04:03PM

Behold, "One Nation Under Socialism," a new masterpiece from America's Da Vinci, Jon McNaughton. (Previously best known for that one painting of Obama stepping on the constitution.) With it, McNaughton carries on in the tradition of some the 20th century's finest figurative artists. Buy two — one for now, and one to trade when Nobama hands control of the country over to the Black Panthers. [Jon McNaughton]

White House Pours One Out for All the Dead Journos, Waterboards the Living

Mobutu Sese Seko · 03/15/12 02:00PM

The most recent article from The Nation's Jeremy Scahill profiled the imprisonment of Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye. For covering American cluster bomb strikes in Yemen and the radicalization of Yemeni citizens and their support for Al Qaeda, Shaye has been beaten and tortured, imprisoned for two years and, at America's request, seen a presidential pardon from Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh indefinitely tabled.

Why We're Talking About Barack Obama and Derrick Bell Now

John Cook · 03/08/12 06:32PM

So Andrew Breitbart's belated death-rattle made its debut last night, and here's what it is: Barack Obama, in 1990, gave a speech saying nice things about a bad man named Derrick Bell. He also hugged the bad man, Derrick Bell. Ipso facto reduction ad absurdum habeas corpus hocus pocus, Barack Obama is a bad man as well. Airtight.

Republican Nominees Distance Themselves From Rush Limbaugh

Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 11:00AM

Yesterday — in the wake of losing several sponsors — Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute." Fluke had the audacity to argue in front of Congress that her employer's health care coverage should cover her birth control. Since Limbaugh made his apology, notable Republicans have stepped forward to agree that Limbaugh's comments were out of line, and that the conservative talk show host does not speak for the Republican party as a whole.

Gas Prices Soar, Like They Do

Louis Peitzman · 03/04/12 10:08AM

There have been several recent reports on rising gas prices, mostly focused on the fact that we're kind of doomed. Obama has admitted that he can't simply make the prices go down, and that none of the "easy solutions" many people are clamoring for would have any effect, now or in the longrun. We may — brace yourselves — have to start thinking in a different way entirely.

You're Invited to Dine With Barack Obama for $35,800

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/12 11:37AM

I'm feeling pretty special this morning, because I received a personal invitation from Malcolm Sykes, CEO of (which "allows members to meet and build professional relationships while contributing to charitable causes"), to have dinner with the one and only Mr. Barack Obama, president of the USA.

Jon Stewart Can't Believe the Republicans' Crazy Predictions for Obama's Second Term

Matt Toder · 02/22/12 11:31PM

Back in 2008, President Obama's political opponents made a lot of predictions about what an Obama presidency would do to America. The reality didn't quite live up to their socialist, fundamental Islamist hype. What are they doing in now that it is 2012 and Obama is seeking a second term? The exact same thing: making ridiculous predictions about what will come in the next four years.

Catholic Leaders: Providing Birth Control to People in Need Raises "Serious Moral Concerns"

Louis Peitzman · 02/11/12 05:44PM

Well, this isn't exactly surprising. Under pressure from the religious right, Barack Obama made a concession about birth-control insurance coverage — while religious employers will not have to offer free contraceptives to workers, the insurers themselves will have to. It's a compromise he shouldn't have had to make in the first place, and Catholic Church officials (along with prominent Republic leaders) are being dicks about it, anyway.

Obama Watch Marshmallow Go Boom

Emma Carmichael · 02/08/12 11:10AM

About 100 hormone-crazed middle and high school students descended upon the White House yesterday for a Science Fair (which, in this economy, am I right?) and Joey, an eighth grader from Phoenix, Ariz., was the unofficial winner of everything.

Mitt Romney Needs to Stop Singing Immediately

Max Read · 01/31/12 11:40AM

Mitt: please stop singing. It's not so much that you're a bad singer, it's just that President Obama is both pretty good and has better song selection. Also it's that you're a bad singer. Also it's that you're the most impossibly awkward human being to walk planet earth. My girlfriend has to hide her face when you start talking, Mitt. Just watch yourself (above, singing "America the Beautiful"; below, "Happy Birthday").