[There was a video here]

About 100 hormone-crazed middle and high school students descended upon the White House yesterday for a Science Fair (which, in this economy, am I right?) and Joey, an eighth grader from Phoenix, Ariz., was the unofficial winner of everything.

Joey's marshmallow launcher brought out the Dad in President Obama, who demonstrated what we'll call a passing interest in the science involved:

Obama: Okay, can we demonstrate? Is it not safe to shoot a marshmallow in here?
Joey: Well, at 30 PSI, it will go 176 feet, so...
Obama: So it would, like, hit the wall up there?
Joey: Yeah.
Obama: Would it stick?

Two excellent questions from the commander-in-chief.

The real highlight, though, came at the moment of the launch, when the president's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. You'd think the guy had never shot a marshmallow at 30 PSI before.

[Video via]