
"Thank God That My Son Is a Thug"

Andy Cush · 05/01/15 11:30AM

Donyell Shank lives in the Park Heights neighborhood of Baltimore. Her daughter was a friend of Freddie Gray. In an interview at her house this week, she talked about rioting and what it means to be a “thug” in a neighborhood where the police are mistrusted:

Freddie Gray Was Not a Riot

Andy Cush · 05/01/15 10:55AM

According to those who knew him well, Freddie Gray was a funny, happy, outspoken, and well-liked guy whose life was cut short in the custody of the Baltimore Police last week.

Remember When Donald Rumsfeld Stood Up for Rioting and Looting?

Sam Biddle · 05/01/15 10:23AM

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld only ever said a wise thing by accident, and that was the case on April 11, 2003, when he explained that Iraqi rioters weren’t violent animals, but were taking out understandable feelings against a “repressive regime.”

Internet Racists Are Pretending to Be Black Looters in Baltimore

Sam Biddle · 04/30/15 11:40AM

For every human tragedy offline, there will inevitably be a group of dedicated fuckers trying to make it worse using the internet. Today’s example is the #BaltimoreLootCrew, spreading white supremacist bile and misinformation about the Freddie Gray protests.

Taylor Berman · 04/30/15 10:26AM

The Baltimore police department have finished their investigation into Freddie Gray’s death and turned the report over to the Baltimore state’s attorney. The findings will not be made available to the public.