One of the police officers accused of killing Freddie Gray reportedly threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend two years ago, according to court documents obtained by the Guardian. Lt. Brian Rice, who, the report claims, also has also allegedly threatened to commit suicide, was reportedly disciplined internally for the threats and twice had his guns confiscated.

Rice was the cop who made initial eye contact with Gray, causing him to flee, and was one of the officers responsible for the 25-year-old’s illegal arrest. But as the 10-page complaint filed by Andrew McAleer, the husband of Rice’s ex, alleges, Gray’s death was far from the first time Rice has exhibited violent and disturbing behavior.

According to the document, Rice made the young children of his ex-girlfriend, Karyn McAleer, “shoot” at a photograph of her and her husband that Rice had taped to a wall. And in 2012, Rice was reportedly hospitalized and had six of his guns confiscated after he threatened suicide. That incident resulted in a suspension from from the police force. Eight months later, Rice was reportedly suspended again from his job after receiving a restraining order from Andrew McAleer.

From the Guardian:

“I am seeking protection immediately,” McAleer wrote to a court in Carroll County, Maryland, in January 2013. He alleged Rice’s behaviour had caused him “to have constant fear for my personal safety” and a “fear of imminent harm or death from Brian Rice”.

Rice was ordered to stay away from McAleer, his home and his workplace after a series of alleged confrontations, including one armed standoff in June 2012 when officers from two police departments responded to a 911 call and spent 90 minutes defusing the situation.

McAleer alleged Rice was screaming and smelled of alcohol during the 2am confrontation in front of McAleer’s house. He said his wife later said Rice had told her he planned to kill McAleer during the June 2012 encounter.

Rice also reportedly sent Andrew McAleer “harassing and sexually explicit text messages” from his police-issued Blackberry and, in January 2013, drove to McAleer’s house, where he revved his engine and drove slowly towards McAleer in a way that made him “become distraught and fear [his] life was about to end.”

Rice was released on bail last week after being charged with assault, manslaughter, misconduct, and false imprisonment.

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