
Remainders: Colleen Curtis Leaves Daily News for GMA

Jessica · 11/17/05 05:25PM

• This just in: Daily News Managing Editor, Features, Colleen Curtis has resigned from her position. She's heading to Good Morning America, where she'll fetch Diane Sawyer's coffee.
• It's possible to work at High Times and not love bong hits, but it's certainly not recommended. Unless, of course, you're purely intrested in their manual of style. ("Buddha" versus "buddha," etc.) [NYPress]
• Midwestern locals at the University of Wisconsin-Madison loathe their bourgie peers from the East Coast. What, is it the Uggs? [JSOnline]
• NB to the new Nightline: Ted Koppel is watching you. [B&C]
• Much like Paris Hilton, Al Reynolds has a patented paparazzi pose. [Cityrag]
• Done raping and pillaging (and eventually being scorned by) Hollywood, Mike Ovitz bends over NYC's art world. [LA Weekly]
• 62-foot Jesus makes us glad we live in Manhattan. [NYT]
• Nick Denton takes his moneybags out to LA and throws a party with Arianna Huffington. Finally, our slighted little brother gets a free drink on the boss man's dime. [Gridskipper]

If You Don't Read This Item, We'll Kill That Dog

Jesse · 10/18/05 09:26AM

The American Society of Magazine Editors, confabbing for a few days in Puerto Rico — because it's really difficult, of course, to talk about magazines in New York, what with being so far from the beach and all — yesterday announced the 40 greatest magazine covers of the last 40 years, as voted on by 52 top editors.

Floating Island Says Saffron Not Its Color

Jessica · 09/26/05 10:03AM

As Robert Smithson's conceptual art piece "Floating Island" docked for the last time yesterday, its reign as New York's preeminent focus for inanity was briefly interrupted by a competing piece of conceptual art: A small motorboat containing a minature replica of this year's other major piece of high-profile absurdity, Jean-Claude and Christo's Gates. Alas, the mini-Gates did not find a home at the mini-park, but — at least for one day — we hated cheeky art students just a bit less.

Great Minds, Etc.

Jesse · 09/12/05 05:32PM

Above, thefront-page cartoon from last Wednesday's Observer. At right, the cover of today's The New Yorker.