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The American Society of Magazine Editors, confabbing for a few days in Puerto Rico — because it's really difficult, of course, to talk about magazines in New York, what with being so far from the beach and all — yesterday announced the 40 greatest magazine covers of the last 40 years, as voted on by 52 top editors.

No. 1 was Annie Leibovitz's 1981 Rolling Stone cover of naked John curled around clothed Yoko, and Leibovitz shot No. 2, too: Tina Brown's famous 1991 Vanity Fair cover of Demi Moore naked and pregnant. Nos. 3 and 5 were George Lois Esquires from 1968 and 1969, and between then came Saul Steinberg's New Yorker view of the world.

We were struck by the simplicity of the great covers — how few were overrun with dozens of cover lines, as nearly all mags do today.

Also, we noted that none featured Paris Hilton or Tom Cruise.

Bad luck there, Radar.

Judging a Magazine by Its Cover: the Top 40 from 40 Years [NYT]
ASME's Top 40 Magazine Covers of the Past 40 Years []