
Another Lawsuit For Leibovitz

cityfile · 07/30/09 11:41AM

Things have gone from bad to worse for photographer Annie Leibovitz. The glorified pawn shop (or "art finance firm," as they prefer to be known) that lent Leibovitz boatloads of money against every photo she has ever taken as well as the value of the real estate she owns in the West Village and upstate New York, has filed a breach of contract lawsuit against her. It's accusing her of "boldly deceptive conduct" for not allowing appraisers to come inside her home: "Among other demands in the suit, the company, Art Capital Group, based in Manhattan, is asking the court to order Ms. Leibovitz to allow real estate agents access to her town houses in Greenwich Village so the property can be appraised and prepared for sale to pay back the loans." [NYT]

Sculptor Takes the Bull by the Horns

cityfile · 07/30/09 09:23AM

The sculptor who created the famous "Charging Bull" statue downtown has filed a lawsuit against Random House for putting a photo of the piece on the cover of A Colossal Failure of Common Sense, a new book about Lehman Brothers' collapse. Arturo Di Modica, the sculptor responsible for the work, says Random House didn't have his permission to use a picture. The only problem? Di Modica never had permission to put the statue there in the first place:

Awful Looking Nic Cage Remake May Find an Audience After All!

Natasha VC · 07/29/09 07:50PM

Remember how you emailed a friend that trailer for some failed movie? One that by all appearances looked like a total misfire and couldn't get a distributor? Even though thespian powerhouse Nic Cage was the lead? Remember how you laughed?

Greedy Danes Attack American Mermaid Art

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/09 10:57AM

As if small-town America didn't have its hands full dealing with the death of manufacturing jobs and the crystal meth epidemic, now it has to worry about some money-grubbing Danes demanding payment for big-breasted mermaid statue knockoffs. Where's the outrage?

Dash Snow Dead?

cityfile · 07/14/09 08:51AM

Gawker is reporting that hipster artist/photographer Dash Snow died of a heroin overdose last night, and messages posted to Twitter by some of Snow's friends seem to back it up. There hasn't been official confirmation yet. In the meantime, though, you can read more about Snow here, if you're interested. Update: The Times has confirmed Snow's death. [Gawker, photo via Mister Mort]

Chocolate Is Death

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/09 04:25PM

A 29 year-old chocolate factory worker in New Jersey died today after falling into an eight-foot-deep vat of melted chocolate. One option for the poor man's cadaver: a mold for chocolates.

What Had Better Be the Nine Best Words Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/09 03:24PM

Opium Magazine is running "The Longest Story Ever Told": it's printed on the cover, then printed over in black ink, which will fade over the course of 1,000 years to reveal the nine-word-long story. We already guessed it:

Moby Is Magic

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/09 02:48PM

New York magazine's Hugo Lindgren proves that—with just a few hours in the studio—Moby can transform a scratchy demo of an amateurish ballad into a rejected outtake from some bad Jennifer Grey movie soundtrack. [NY Mag]

World's Worst Artist, Jesus Team Up For Scam

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/09 09:46AM

Thomas "Painter of Darkness" Kinkade, the world's single most objectionable mass-producer of wall-hangings for middle American Baptists, is not just a terrible offender against aesthetics—he's also a crook!