
The Incredible Edible London Skyline

Mike Byhoff · 12/09/09 12:35PM

A brilliant and imaginative group of food artists make an exact replica of the London skyline—using food. And instead of using traditional English dishes to make the skyline, they used fruits and vegetables—so it's edible, too!

The Miami Post-Mortem

cityfile · 12/09/09 09:02AM

Art Basel Miami Beach ended a couple of days ago. So how did it go? Sales were surprisingly strong—especially compared to the train wreck of a show last year—and the excess that characterized the event in previous years was back in fashion. Then again, not every fixture on the art scene was impressed.

Goldman Loses Again

cityfile · 12/07/09 01:11PM

Goldman Sachs has been taking lots of heat from shareholders, pundits, and politicians in recent weeks. Now even Goldman employees are furious with the firm. The bank recently spent $15 million on two murals for its new downtown office tower—one by Franz Ackermann and another by Julie Mehretu—but employees don't particularly like either of them, and it's "all anyone who walks in can talk about." [Business Insider]

Michaelmania Hits Miami

cityfile · 12/03/09 12:02PM

Art Basel Miami kicked off today and everyone who's anyone in the art world—from dealers to collectors to professional party-hoppers—has now headed south and Miami is now even more awash with air kisses and insincere compliments. (If you're in town and looking to crash a good party, head over to the event that Peter Brant, Aby Rosen and Alberto Mugrabi are hosting this evening; it's expected to be one of the fair's highlights.)

Florida State Lineman Freezes During a Play

Mike Byhoff · 12/02/09 01:45PM

Remember when you played Madden with a friend and he went up to go pee? You'd sneak in a play while they were gone, and the player they controlled just stood there. Well this lineman's brain is your friend peeing.

Picasso’s Guernica in 3D

Richard Blakeley · 11/30/09 03:33PM

In 1937 fascists devastated the town of Guernica with aerial bombings executed by the Nazi Luftwaffe. Picasso's painting Guernica was his reaction the tragedy. The painting has now been made into a 3D video.

Keep Your Art Thievery Separate from Your Day Job

cityfile · 11/24/09 09:32AM

If your boss invites you over to his/her apartment for a birthday party or holiday soirée, you probably shouldn't consider leaving the function with pieces of your employer's art work under your arm. Especially if it's a work by Andy Warhol and the iconic artist personally gave it to your boss in the 1960s. Chances are your boss will notice that it's gone missing and will eventually track you down and make sure you go to jail. [ARTINFO, Bloomberg]

It's Business as Usual at Art Basel

cityfile · 11/23/09 12:40PM

Because the art world couldn't possibly be expected to dial things back two years in a row, Art Basel Miami Beach, which kicks off next week and runs through December 6, is expected to be bigger and better than ever!

Feeling Better About Fare Increases

Hamilton Nolan · 11/20/09 11:32AM

The MTA is cheering up New Yorkers by printing the word "optimism" on millions of Metrocards. *NOTE: "Optimism" should not be interpreted as applying to the state of the New York City transportation system itself. [NYT. Pic via]

The MTA Will Empower You Now

cityfile · 11/20/09 06:33AM

New York City has picked its latest big public art project. And it doesn't involve setting up a water show in the East River or wrapping up Central Park in brightly colored fabric. It's going to be distributing seven million Metrocards with the word "Optimism" printed on the backs. It's cooler than it sounds:

Jeanne-Claude Heads to the Pearly Gates

cityfile · 11/19/09 10:09AM

Jeanne-Claude, the artist who, along with her husband Christo, turned Central Park into a sea of orange for two weeks in 2005 for no other reason than it looked super cool, has died. She was 74. [NYT]