
We Have Six New Amazing Paintings by George W. Bush

Max Read · 03/20/13 05:46PM

In February, a hacker named Guccifer revealed to the world the hidden artistic talents of George W. Bush, releasing to The Smoking Gun a handful of photographs of oil paintings by the former president that had been taken from personal Bush family emails. The images were well-received by critics and laypeople alike, but they represented only a small portion of the budding outsider artist's oeuvre. Little more was being made available: In an interview with an Atlanta television station, his art teacher said he'd painted "over 50 dogs," tantalizingly few of which were actually shown on the broadcast. Otherwise, the Texan Master was silent. The world was crying out for more Bush art, more raw talent, more lush brushstrokes—more dogs—and nothing was forthcoming.

George Lucas Wants to Build an Inspiring Art Museum in San Francisco

Maggie Lange · 03/06/13 02:05PM

George Lucas wants to build an art museum in San Francisco. And not just any old museum either, but one that explores the idea of "cultural fantasy." While the museum will house rotating exhibits of fine art, he said it will also showcase digital design and animation used in Hollywood blockbusters.

Kanye West's New Song Goes, 'WAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAA'

Rich Juzwiak · 02/25/13 01:30PM

Kanye West concluded his Sunday concert at London's Hammersmith Apollo by repeatedly howling, so you know it was a great show. He was performing 2006's formerly breezy single "Touch the Sky" when he unleashed and then threw down his mic. Apparently, this made as little sense within context as it does without. Says GQ UK:

No, Banksy Probably Didn't Get Arrested

Cord Jefferson · 02/22/13 05:53PM

You may have heard by now that Urban Outfitters' favorite street artist, Banksy, was arrested in London last night on charges of vandalism. Even better, after hauling him in, police reportedly revealed Banksy's identity to the press, a huge development considering that for years everyone—including Gawker—has been doggedly speculating about who exactly is behind the world's most famous irreverent stencils and the critically lauded film Exit Through the Gift Shop. Isn't this exciting news? No, it is not, because it's all a lie.

9/11 Truther Tags Priceless Work of Art with Marker

Max Read · 02/08/13 11:16AM

See this painting? Liberty Leading the People, by Eugene Delacroix, currently on display at the Lens branch of the Louvre. Now, imagine it with a 9/11 truth tag! Way better, right?

"Dennis, We've Been Crying Too Much": Dr. Hook and the Untold Story of the Best Rock Movie Ever Made

Will Sheff · 02/05/13 10:00AM

I have seen Woodstock and I have seen The Last Waltz. I have seen Don't Look Back, Eat the Document, and No Direction Home. I have seen the Maysles Brothers' documentary about the Rolling Stones, as well as Jean-Luc Godard's semi-documentary about the Rolling Stones and Robert Frank's notoriously unreleased documentary about the Rolling Stones, which legend has it you're only legally allowed to watch in the presence of both Jagger and Richards. (It was only okay.) I have seen The Great Rock and Roll Swindle as well as The Filth and the Fury, Julien Temple's two different documentaries about the Sex Pistols. I have seen that double-DVD Tom Petty documentary. I have seen the special features. I have seen the movie where Chris Holmes from W.A.S.P. slowly drinks himself nearly to death in a darkened swimming pool enclosure and Ozzy pours the orange juice all over the counter. I have seen David Bowie's cocaine skeleton doing Burroughsian cut-ups on the floor of a luxury hotel in the difficult-to-find TV special Cracked Actor. To varying degrees, I enjoyed all these films, but if you asked me to tell you my very-favorite-ever cinematic document of a rock and roll band, I would have to break down and admit that it's a 10-dollar import DVD of Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show doing a live-for-German-TV performance sometime in 1974.

Glenn Beck Put an Obama Toy in a Jar Filled With Fake Urine, Plans to Sell It for $25,000

Taylor Berman · 11/28/12 12:31AM

Now that he's cornered the denim market, noted patriot Glenn Beck has set his sights on an even more lucrative business. As part of a bizarre campaign to prove the importance of the first amendment, Beck filled a jar with what he at first claimed to be urine (he later admitted it was beer) and then placed an Obama toy inside. He has plans to sell the "art," which Beck titled "Obama in Pee Pee," on his website for the reasonable price of $25,000.

"Cerealism" Is, Of Course, Art With Breakfast Cereal

Barry Petchesky · 11/10/12 05:55PM

Don't let anyone tell you what isn't art. But I'll tell you what this art is: delicious. Ernie Button is a Phoenix-based photographer who has been thinking way too much about his breakfast table recently. He's constructed landscapes, both natural and manmade, using Arizona backdrops and cereal foregrounds. And he's named it Cerealism, a term which is so obvious it doubles back to being clever.

One of the Pussy Riot Grrrls Is Free

Camille Dodero · 10/10/12 11:25AM

Today, a Moscow appeals court released Yekaterina "Katya" Samutsevich, the eldest of the three imprisoned collaborators from the Russian feminist art-punk collective Pussy Riot, while upholding the two-year prison-colony sentence for her counterparts, Maria "Masha" Alyokhina and Nadezhda "Nadya" Tolokonnikova.