Now that he's cornered the denim market, noted patriot Glenn Beck has set his sights on an even more lucrative business. As part of a bizarre campaign to prove the importance of the first amendment, Beck filled a jar with what he at first claimed to be urine (he later admitted it was beer) and then placed an Obama toy inside. He has plans to sell the "art," which Beck titled "Obama in Pee Pee," on his website for the reasonable price of $25,000.

The stunt was prompted by a Boston artist who painted Obama crucified on the cross. You know, like Jesus. Naturally, Beck and his ilk didn't approve of the painting but, being the unstable person freethinker he is, Beck decided to show his support for the artist's first amendment right by sealing a toy of Obama inside a jar of fake piss.

"Art is in the eye of the beholder and this guy has a right to do this. I think its offensive. I don't think its close to reality but whatever floats your boat. I support his right to do exactly that. I agree with him that people who are upset should not trump his right to be able to do it and be able to hang it wherever he wants – as long as its wanted there," Glenn said.

Beck's website claims the host drank "a lot of water" to prep for the performance, but since he is, of course, a liar, he actually filled the jar with beer.

[via Daily Intel]