
Ron Howard Tweets Pic of First Script for Arrested Development Revival

Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/26/12 08:40AM

If, after that previous twitpic of Arrested Development showrunner Mitch Hurwitz standing inside the writer's room, you still can't quite believe that the gone-too-soon cult TV show Arrested Development is truly making its way back to reality, perhaps this photo of producer/narrator Ron Howard's iPad displaying the script for episode 1 of season 4 might persuade you to finally give in to unbridled joy.

The 10 Best TV Shows to Watch All at Once

Brian Moylan · 08/24/11 03:30PM

It's late August, and there is nothing on TV except for Big Brother and crappy reruns. What the hell are you supposed to watch before the new TV season starts in September? We're here with some suggestions for DVD/iTunes/Netflix marathons that will have you glued to your couch.

Do We Need to Replace the Emmys?

Brian Moylan · 08/25/10 03:47PM

Twenty television bigwigs have come together to start up a brand new awards show as a rival to the annual Emmy Awards. But do we really need to replace TV's biggest night?

The Best TV Dads: A Father's Day Tribute

Kristina Lucarelli · 06/18/10 04:30PM

We here at Gawker.TV love our dads. But we really love our TV dads, for they taught us everything we'd need to know about life in under an hour. From the Danny Tanners to the Frank Costanzas, we salute you!