Today at Gawker.TV, The View joins in the Scott Brown fever, Arrested Development with a laugh track, Good Day New York Rihanna gaffe, The Cleveland Show's lessons on legalized weed, and The Worst Cooks in America are still crying!

Arrested Development with a Laugh Track Proves the Laugh Track Needs to Die
For some reason sitcoms still believe we need to be told when to laugh. To prove that the laugh track is completely useless and outdated, we took a funny show without one, put one in, and the results were surprising.

Good Day New York Confuses Rihanna with Another Short-Haired Woman
On Fox's Good Day New York, style expert Katrina Szish talked about last night's risque Grammy fashions. She goes into detail about Rihanna's outfit as the Doppleganger creen changes to a woman that looks like Rihanna, but is definitely not. Oops!

The View Wants to Show You Scott Brown's Junk Despite the ABC Censors
Today Barbara Walters regaled the View ladies with stories about her visit with Senator Scott Brown (R-MA). But when the censors over at ABC deemed the Cosmo spread "too hot for TV," Joy and Sherri let them have it.

The Worst Cooks in America Are Improving, Still Constantly Crying
With the field of terrible cooks whittled down to two last night, the contestants have gotten a lot better. But that doesn't mean they're made of stone! And one cook gives herself the most disgusting nickname of all time.

The Cleveland Show Proves They Know Their Audience: Stoners and Potheads
At the end of last night's Cleveland Show, Cleveland gave a run-down of lessons learned during the episode. The jist? Drugs are bad (except for legal ones) and a list of all thirteen states that have legalized the green stuff.