
Encore Turns Over Its Airwaves To The Governator's Reelection Campaign

mark · 11/07/06 12:45PM

LAist notices that Encore's Action channel has adopted an all-Schwarzenegger schedule on this election day, a possible attempt to donate some free airtime to the Governator's reelection campaign by network owner Liberty Media. Skeptics might readily dismiss the notion that corporate interests could be trying to bypass campaign advertising regulations as the tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theories of desperate opponents of a second term of Schwarzenegger rule, but considering that two of the governor's most-repeated reelection slogans, "I'll be back," and "Come with me if you want to live," are drawn from his work in the Terminator franchise (his defiant, Batman & Robin-derived "You're not sending ME to the COOLER!" never really caught on, presumably the reason the film was left off the schedule), it's hard to see today's Arnold Marathon as anything but a 15-hour campaign ad.

Alec Baldwin Threatens To Literally Bury Schwarzenegger Documentary In Pile Of His Own Filth

seth · 11/03/06 01:12PM

30 Rock's Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Programming, Alec Baldwin, has a storied history of not backing down from fights, whether he's getting all up in the grill of an NYPD officer who disagrees that his celebrity status somehow exempts him from airplane-crash-site cordons, or tattling to a gossip columnist about how a particularly difficult costume designer is a "fruit-salad head." The actor now once again finds himself at odds—this time with the producers of an Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary he was contracted to narrate—and Radar reports that the beastly Baldwin hasn't minced words in registering his displeasure:

New Technology Allows Studios To Quickly And Cheaply Exploit Actors From Any Decade

mark · 10/16/06 05:04PM

Yesterday's NY Times looked at the next-generation motion capture technology developed by a company called Image Metrics, which promises to make the creepy, dead-eyed animation of films like The Polar Express obsolete by allowing an actor's performance, right down to the subtlest facial tic, to be mapped directly onto "any character virtual or human, living or dead." Beyond making children's entertainments somewhat less nightmarish, the potential applications of the technology seem endlessly terrifying:

Arnold Schwarzenegger Teaches President Bush A Lesson In Hollywood Loyalty

seth · 10/12/06 07:04PM

Jay Leno offered fellow lantern-jawed, hog-enthusiast buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger another network opportunity to charm the pants off voters on last night's Tonight Show, angering Democratic challenger Phil Angelides (sorry Phil—get a Q-rating or some funny zoo animals, then we'll talk), but nevertheless managing to delight the millions of Californians who insist their leaders address them in an endless string of 1980's action movie catchphrases. Aware that the President's low approval rating is one of his opponent's greatest weapons, Schwarzenegger made sure to distance himself from George W. Bush, using yet another Hollywood metaphor to help us grasp the absurdity of the concept:

Trade Round-Up: 'Studio 60' Slips

mark · 09/26/06 03:21PM

Heroes premieres strong, beating CBS's comedy block of Two and a Half Men and Old Christine. Meanwhile, Studio 60 was down 16 percent from its premiere, a ratings drop-off that might force Aaron Sorkin to finally address the network's note that he find a way to replace Bradley Whitford's cocaine addiction with a superpower. [Variety]
Fox's new series are already "fading fast," (yup, sure seems that way), but no network really seems to have a breakout hit so far. [THR]
Once the season earmarked for Oscar contenders, the Fall is now ruled by horror franchises and genital-torture comedies. [Variety]
· Hollywood PanderingWatch: The Governator assures his entertainment industry friends that his reelection will give them a "built-in lobbyist" in office. To his credit, he did stop short of promising state subsidizes to guarantee all locally produced movies have healthy opening weekends. [THR]
North Korea's Pyongyang Film Festival continues to bar Hollywood movies or stars from its competition, a slight that will eventually be used as justification for a full-scale American invasion of the country. [Variety]

Trade Round-Up: Hollywood Liberals Entering Unholy Alliance With Republican Schwarzenegger

mark · 09/19/06 02:49PM

Realizing that incumbent Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger's views on crucial issues like gay marriage, the environment, and having Los Angeles officially declared the capital of Earth pander to are in alignment with their own, Hollywood liberals find themselves supporting the—gasp!—Republican for reelection. [Variety]
In what could easily result in the most annoying entry in the history of the talent competition genre, ABC greenlights The Impostor, which will seek out the best celebrity impersonator in the country. We anticipate mass suicides during either the fourteenth Captain Kirk impression or the twentieth Travis Bickle-era De Niro. [THR]
A marketing study shows that about one-third of the moviegoing public researches a film on the web before seeing it, a promising finding reassuring studios that they still can exploit the other uniformed two-thirds of their potential audience without online interference. [Variety]
· THR refers to The CW as "television's first patchwork quilt network," a description that aptly captures the new network's salvaging of programming scraps and stitching them together into an aesthetically incoherent, unsightly whole. [THR]
The producers of the Janis Joplin biopic The Gospel According to Janis decide that it's better to have an actress who can sing rather than a pop star who can't sing play Joplin, replacing Pink with Zooey Deschanel. [Variety]

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Some Casting Ideas For 'Terminator 4''s Self-Effacing Cyborg Killing-Machine

seth · 08/01/06 03:07PM

British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed a group of journalists yesterday in Long Beach to tout their anti-global warming initiative, the Funny-Accented Coalition for the Environment. When Blair, who will not be seeking re-election, was asked by a reporter about his future career aspirations, Schwarzenegger quickly stepped in to do what he does best: Obliquely reference one of his own movies.

Remember, Sonny, When I Promised To Kill You Last? I Lied

mark · 04/04/06 05:33PM

Discovering that he'd been caught in a public display of paternal affection at Sunday's Benchwarmers premiere event, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger overcompensated for the tender display by gripping his son's head in his massive hand, and with a single, elegantly violent motion, tore the child's head from his shoulders, instantly calling to mind the best moments of a long-abandoned movie career.

Citizen Paparazzi: The Governor Shops At Barney's

mark · 12/05/05 02:44PM

We once again celebrate the cameraphone heroism of our readers, who risk life and limb (and in this case, stungunning by the Governor's security detail) to bring us blurry, low-resolution pictures of famous people engaged in utterly mundane activities. Our spy captured Arnold Schwarzenegger at Barney's in Beverly Hills (click the image to enlarge), and the spectacular choice of camera angle makes it look as if part of his shoe-shopping ritual includes ensuring that all footwear also fits snugly around the 'Lil Terminator. Another operative noted that Schwarzenegger spent some time in the handbag department as well, either pointing to a potential Christmas gift for Maria Shriver, or the further exhibitionistic exploration of his apparent leather goods fetish.

The Running Man: Arnold Schwarzenegger Can't Dodge Libel Suit

Seth Abramovitch · 12/02/05 02:14PM

The past few months of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's tenure will go down as a dark period indeed in the annals of impenetrably- accented- former-action- stars-turned-ineffective- legislator history. Between Warren Beatty's taunts, the rancid taste of crushing defeat, and the fate of a man whose thighs he once ogled in his hands, it's hardly surprising when we read a Radar report that Arnold is doing everything he can to sweep his latest headache a British libel suit under the carpet:

Snoop To Arnold: Let My Tookie Go

Seth Abramovitch · 11/28/05 04:00PM

Ex-Crips founder and four-time convicted murderer Stanley "Tookie" Williams once wrote about an afternoon in 1976 when he met a young Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Venice Beach boardwalk, and the awestruck future Governor gushed "that Williams' biceps were as big as thighs." We imagine this moment of man-on-man mutual physique appreciation is a memory Schwarzenegger has revisited often as he agonizes over whether or not to grant Williams, who is scheduled for death by legal injection December 13, a rare clemency. Meanwhile, Williams' celebrity supporters are bringing out the big guns:

Trade Round-Up: Schwarzenegger Lies, Promises To Kill Paparazzi Last

mark · 10/03/05 01:59PM

· Preparing for the day that a lucky photographer captures him changing into a bathing suit and sells the resulting photographic evidence of his shrunken testes to the Enquirer, Governor Schwarzenegger signs a bill that triples the amount of damages a celebrity can sue a photographer for and holds their employers responsible as well. [Variety]
· ABC and Kelsey Grammer's Grammnet Productions are developing a sitcom for American Idol also-ran Constantine Maroulis, representing ABC's best chance to ruin the momentum it's gained over the past season. Credit Maroulis' canny agent with turning down ABC's first offer of a short guest stint as Eva Longoria's hairdresser. [THR]
· Var confirms CAA's poaching of UTA partner Dan Aloni and many of his top-shelf director clients, but UTA saves a shred of dignity by retaining Judd Apatow. [Variety]
· The WB forces its comedy and alternative departments to mate, hoping the that evil, inbred offspring will produce funnier reality shows and non-traditional sitcoms. [THR]
· UPN stops production of Sex, Love and Secrets after just one aired episode, but it seems unclear on how many of the seven shows they've already shot will air. Our completely wild guess is one more, just to observe the early-cancellation benchmark set by Fox's Head Cases. [Variety]
· HBO continues to enable Bob Saget's comeback. After a whore-banging turn on Entourage last season, they're giving him his own show to co-write, direct, and star in, an R-rated remake of The Courtship of Eddie's Father. The best part: Sags will play a gynecologist. [Variety]

Short Ends: Odds In Favor Of A Julie Cooper-Captain Oats Union

mark · 09/08/05 07:11PM

· Oddjack sets the over-under for the upcoming season of The OC: "Number of substances Marissa abuses, season— 3.5/Number of men, boys, farm animals, Girl Scouts, etc Julie Cooper-Nichol bangs —3.5"
· We hope to God you're not getting all of your news here, but in case you didn't hear, the Governator is rejecting the gay marriage bill "out of respect for the will of the people." But how would he react if there's a public groundswell to invalidate the unions of Austrian movie stars and Skeletors?
· If celebrities realized that an end to animal testing might mean "No more Botox. No more boobs. No more anything," would they be so quick to jump on the PeTA bandwagon? Without those things, Pamela Anderson would probably just be a loose pile of flesh draped over some stripper heels by now.
· "Promises, in like a [bleeping] Hollywood camp resort for wealthy [bleeping] lunatics,” Ozzy Osbourne rates the rehab clinics. [second item]
· Bill and The Donald: Yet another showbiz marriage that won't last forever.