
Global Warming Is Solved: Just Make Snow Out of Sewage

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/12 08:40AM

Yes, sure, global warming is leading us inexorably down the path to all-out global war due to massive human displacement and destruction of resources. But let's focus on the real problem: what about ski resorts? What if people were forced to go skiing later in the season? Absolutely unacceptable. Fortunately, America is ready to tackle this problem head-on.

Mom Gives Her Two-Year Old A Sippy Cup Full of Beer, Gets Arrested

Taylor Berman · 07/05/12 11:42PM

Arizona, the worst state in the country, is such a terrible place that even the two-year olds have turned to drink. When Valerie Marie Topete saw her two-year old son reaching for her pitcher of beer while the two were dining in a pizzeria in Phoenix, she did what any sane mother would do: she filled the toddler's sippy cup with delicious, cold suds. If your child was facing such an obviously awful existence, would you have acted differently? Not me. Well, sure enough some teetotaling, probably concealed-gun toting narc took it upon himself to snitch to the police, who not only arrested Ms. Topete but also had the nerve to take away the tot's beer. Now Topete is being held on suspicion of child abuse. And, from the AP report, "Police didn't know if she has a lawyer." Of course they don't know, because police in Arizona are know-nothing monsters. Anyway, if you guys want to start a Kickstarter to get her out of jail, let's move to the comments.

US Border Patrol in Arizona Detains 96-Year Old Former Arizona Governor, Who Just Happens to Be Hispanic

Taylor Berman · 07/05/12 05:59PM

US Border Patrol Agents in Arizona celebrated America's then-upcoming birthday in the best way they know how: by being Constitution-abusing dicks. 96-year old Raul Castro, who served not only as Governor of Arizona (the only Latino governor Arizona has ever had, natch) but also a former US ambassador to Bolivia, El Salvador and Argentina, was on his way to a birthday party last month when he was detained by the Border Patrol for an estimated 30-45 minutes at a check point 22 miles away* from the Mexican border for giving off "possible" trace levels of radiation. Even after being told who Castro was and that the radiation was most likely from a medical procedure Castro received the day before, the Border Patrol insisted that the former Governor, who was wearing a suit, leave his air-conditioned car and stand inside a roadside tent, in temperatures nearing 100 degrees, while they tried to determine exactly what kind of dirty bomb the nonagenarian was smuggling. After deciding that the well-decorated public servant wasn't some illegal immigrant planning on blowing up Flagstaff, the Border Control let Castro and his friend/driver go.

Stephen Colbert Suggests Some More Ways Arizona Can Assert Its Rights

Matt Toder · 06/26/12 11:08PM

Supporters of Arizona's mostly-struck-down immigration policies have continuously framed the issue as one of states' rights versus federal rights. On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert suggested some other ways Arizona can assert its rights.

Which Presidential Candidate Is Better At Pandering to Latino Voters?

Matt Toder · 06/25/12 10:28PM

Both President Obama and Mitt Romney spoke at the NALEO conference last week just before the Supreme Court's decision about Arizona's controversial immigration laws. So who did a better job of getting his message across? On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart broke it down.

Swing States Are Swinging Toward Obama

Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 10:50AM

Unemployment is down in swing states, which means support for Barack Obama is up. Recent polls show the president has an advantage over Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And it's still the economy, stupid.

Arizona Fears Mexican-American Studies Are Poisoning College Students' Minds

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/12 08:57AM

¡Hola! That is what the state of Arizona says to its Mexican friends and residents, to distract them from the knife being plunged into their backs at the same moment. The primary problem facing the foreclosure-wracked drought-plagued desert state of Arizona: Mexicans learning things. Arizona will put a stop to that—¡muy rapido!

Crazed Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cracks Down on Dog Sex in Arizona

Leah Beckmann · 03/29/12 03:21PM

Arizona couple Shane and Sarah Walker were arrested for trying to fuck a dog. Their first mistake, it seems, was all in the Craigslist ad they posted: "Wife looking for K9." Sure it's simple and it's concise, but posted in the personal ads, it doesn't leave a whole lot of mystery. Mystery, say, in case an undercover animal crimes detective is prowling the site looking for just such a couple to take down in a sting, all To Catch a Predator style.