
Arizona Cities Suing State Over Racial Profiling Law

Jeff Neumann · 05/05/10 04:29AM

The city councils of Flagstaff and Tucson voted yesterday to sue the state over its new immigration law, worried that tourism will drop and costs for law enforcement will skyrocket. The mayor of Phoenix failed at a similar attempt. [AP]

Media CEOs Paid as if They Ran Successful Companies

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/10 02:02PM

In your magical Monday media column: Media CEOs earn Monopoly money, a fine White House Celebucocksucking Dinner roundup, CNN gets a new toy, and the Arizona Republic finds a use for editorials.

The Week We Got Kicked Out of Arizona

Richard Lawson · 04/30/10 06:45PM

This week, many things happened. Funny things, sad things, happy things. But mostly dumb things. Lots and lots of dumb things.

Arizona Department of Education Hates Accents

Jeff Neumann · 04/30/10 05:26AM

Oh, Arizona. First this, then this, and now this: The state is cracking down on school teachers with accents in an effort to secure Anglo dominance in the southwest, because Arizona is a state where we speak English, okay?

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor

Max Read · 04/27/10 03:29AM

[A concerned Arizona citizen has a helpful message for police trying to deal with the state's controversial new law giving police sweeping powers to detain anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. Image via early-onset-of-night]

Obama Calls Out Arizona Immigration Law

Ravi Somaiya · 04/23/10 03:56PM

Lawmakers in Arizona approved a fun immigration bill that would oblige cops to stop anyone swarthy and ask them to prove their legality. Everyone, bar some right-wingers, thinks this is a bad idea. Including, as of today, the President.