
Copycat Acid Attacker Strikes in Arizona

Sergio Hernandez · 09/06/10 11:55AM

Just a few days after a stranger threw acid in a Washington woman's face, an M.O.-stealing copycat has attacked another woman in Arizona.

Meet Dan Quayle's Very Weird Kid

Jim Newell · 08/11/10 12:15PM

Former Vice President Dan Quayle's son, Ben, is running for Congress in Arizona, where he lives with his imaginary children. Remember how Dan Quayle was famously airheaded? Well, as Ben's campaign progresses, it's becoming obvious that he inherited that gene.

Is Dan Quayle's Son Pretending to Have Kids?

Max Read · 08/04/10 08:36PM

Ben Quayle, the son of Vice President Dan Quayle, is running for Congress in Arizona. Here, he announces that he and his wife Tiffany "are going to raise our family here." Awww. Those are his daughters, right? No? Wait, what?