
Media Stories Achieve Post-Pointlessness; or, Entry Level Job Interview Conducted in Car

Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 01:56PM

It's reassuring for me, as a writer, to know that if all else fails and my entire career crumbles to pieces, I can always survive by selling Slate literally any story about anything I have ever done. I can derive an entirely new income stream for a period of time equal to the length of my entire writing career, by writing thousands of new stories recounting each individual day of my career, and the exciting—or unexciting—lessons I learned, or did not learn. It doesn't matter that that would be pointless; "pointlessness" is a concept that does not translate to the internet. We're living in a post-pointless era. Enjoy it.

Meet the 26-Year-Old Assistant Now Managing the Huffington Post Newsroom

Ryan Tate · 01/10/12 02:10PM

There's a power change at aspiring investigative powerhouse the Huffington Post: Managing editor Nico Pitney is out, and Arianna Huffington's assistant — sorry, "chief of staff" — Jimmy Soni is in. He's 26, a swing dancer, barefoot runner, trilingual, and new to this whole editing and reporting thing.

A $15 Million Challenge To The Huffington Post

Ryan Tate · 01/09/12 05:42PM

Divorced of context, meme aggregator BuzzFeed's announcement today that it raised $15.5 million to fund "real reporting" seems a little absurd; the site's current front page includes the stories "This Cat Is Planning Something Evil," "30 Choice Hotties Of 1999," and "Panda Vs. Stuffed Toy Dragon," don't betray expensive, investigative ambitions. BuzzFeed's new direction is better understood as part of a battle over the direction of online media, led by principals trying to best with what the Huffington Post has become.

Chiefs of Staff Are the Hottest New Rich Person Accessory

Adrian Chen · 12/05/11 12:10PM

Chelsea Clinton gave what appears to be her first-ever interview to the New York Times. And we were surprised to learn that the 31-year-old has a "chief of staff." She's not the only one. Ultra-Rich People Trend Alert!

Gawker Welcomes the Guardian Staff to Soho

Brian Moylan · 11/17/11 01:14PM

Last night Gawker founder Nick Denton hosted a little soiree at his Soho pad to welcome the American staff of the Guardian who recently moved their office to the neighborhood. And what is a party without a photo booth and a few boldfaced media names? We didn't save you any tea sandwiches, but you can at least enjoy the pictures.

Arianna Huffington Gets the Finger from Her Entertainment Writers

Ryan Tate · 10/04/11 08:06PM

Arianna Huffington found the name "PopEater" tacky, so she threw everyone overboard and shut the AOL entertainment site down. That, at least, is the unauthorized message Huffington's former minions published to the world via Huffington's servers.

TechCrunch's Founder Has Been Ejected

Ryan Tate · 09/12/11 11:51AM

After a protracted back and forth over his fate, editor Mike Arrington is truly finished at TechCrunch, the influential website he started in 2005 and sold to AOL almost exactly one year ago. AOL says Arrington "decided to move on" to running his venture capital fund, relinquishing any role at TechCrunch or AOL.

Arianna Huffington's Hypocritical Ploy To Decapitate TechCrunch

Ryan Tate · 09/06/11 02:53PM

A Byzantine drama unfolded this weekend over whether Mike Arrington will be fired from TechCrunch, the tech blog he started. He's already been ousted as editor, supposedly because he's starting an investment fund, and that's a huge conflict of interest. But the ethical concerns are bullshit. This is a power play by Arianna Huffington, plain and simple.

Could Arianna Huffington End Up Running AOL?

Ryan Tate · 08/19/11 11:53AM

AOL chief Tim Armstrong could certainly be forgiven for handing off control of the company. The problems at AOL were largely his creation, and recently growth largely that of his lieutenant Arianna Huffington. Pressure from the press is mounting. And, we hear, he has political ambitions.

Designers Are Furious at the Freeloading Huffington Post

Ryan Tate · 08/15/11 05:32PM

Professional designers have finally had it with the Huffington Post always asking for free shit all the time. You're a publicly traded company now, HuffPo. You can design your own damned logo for politics coverage.

Why Wall Street Hates the AOL HuffPo Deal

Ryan Tate · 08/09/11 04:23PM

AOL shares closed down 26 percent today, despite posting its first ad sales increase since the company was spun out from Time Warner. The problem? The disastrous AOL-HuffPo merger seems to be catching up to the internet conglomerate.

HuffPo Suspends Writer for Doing 'What We Were Taught and Told to Do'

Ryan Tate · 07/11/11 03:52PM

The Huffington Post indefinitely suspended a young blogger today for rewriting too much of someone's news article. This is pretty ridiculous, given HuffPo's systematic, officially-sanctioned approach to rewriting too much of people's news articles. Just ask a HuffPo veteran.