
Two-Headed Calf Born in Egypt Expected to Survive

Jeff Neumann · 07/04/10 09:57AM

An Egyptian farmer this week said one of his cows gave birth to a two-headed calf, after two hours of strenuous labor. The farmer, Sobhy el-Ganzoury, called it a "divine miracle." The animal is expected to survive.

Proof that if You Kiss a frog it Does NOT Turn into a Prince

Caroline Newman · 07/02/10 09:30AM

This scientist licks frogs and salamanders like they're a tub of Ben & Jerry's, in order to determine what they are secreting is "foul" or not. For a video by Nat Geo, this is certainly an old-fashioned approach.

Dog Climbs Tree To Fetch Frisbee

nightintern · 07/01/10 09:30AM

This dog will do anything to get back her frisbee. Even if her beloved toy is stuck in a high tree branch.

Crab Meet

Max Read · 06/29/10 09:25PM

[Blue crabs head toward the city along the main seaside avenue of Cancun, Mexico, disoriented by ongoing public works along the road. I bet they're feeling pretty... wait for it... wait for it... pissed off. Pic via AP]

Chinese Goat Has a Monkey on his Back

nightintern · 06/29/10 09:30AM

This Chinese circus trick involves one big goat, one monkey, a cup, and a trainer. What goes down is almost as magical as the Great Wall.

Hikers Gang Up on Kentucky Black Bear

Jeff Neumann · 06/29/10 04:29AM

Tim Scott was snapping cellphone pictures of a wild black bear in Kentucky when it attacked him: "The bear had a really good chunk of my leg in his mouth and was shaking me." The animal is now being hunted.

Cat Loves Table

nightintern · 06/28/10 09:30AM

Combine slippery vet's table with young energetic cat and you get a cat rolling around in ecstasy like he was covered in in catnip.

Dog Gets Revenge on Vuvuzela-Using Owner

Matt Cherette · 06/25/10 01:56PM

We all know that vuvuzelas are annoying. Well, guess what—dogs hate them, too! In this case, the pooch being victimized by his taunting, vuvuzela-branding owner decides to let his frustration flow, if you get my drift. Video inside.

New Study Shows Chimpanzees Go to War Over Territory

Max Read · 06/21/10 09:42PM

A decade-long study of chimpanzees in Uganda appears to show that chimps wage war and annex territory, assembling into patrols and killing chimpanzees from other groups. On the other hand, baby chimps are really cute.

Girl Saves Lethally Ugly Pony

Maureen O'Connor · 06/21/10 11:11AM

Diego the pony is so ugly he was nearly euthanized. But six-year-old Maddison Biddlecombe "fell in love" with the hideous foal and is fighting to rescue him from the glue factory. Meet The Beautiful Baby and the Equine Beast.