
Penguins Arrive at Puddle, Decide to Trudge Through

Christopher Han · 12/09/10 12:36PM

For humans, puddles are an afterthought. On the other hand, for penguins and their stubby legs, it's a body of water too shallow and narrow to swim across, yet still not assuredly leap-able. Decisions, decisions. Oh wait, it's a puddle.

Baby Parrots Are Terrifying

Matt Cherette · 12/07/10 02:32PM

Most animals are cute. Further, most baby animals are cute—even cuter than their adult counterparts, one could argue. The exception to this rule? Baby parrots. Because baby parrots—especially baby parrots in bowls—are not cute; they're scary. Really scary.

Watch a Cat Try to Fit Inside a Water Bottle

Matt Cherette · 12/07/10 01:35PM

And now, for your Tuesday edition of "BAWWWWW!" there's this: William, a cat who is nearly too cute for words, tries for a good 45 seconds to fit inside his owner's Nalgene water bottle in the most adorable fail ever.

Child Who Abuses Lizard Gets What He Deserves

Christopher Han · 12/07/10 09:30AM

A kid this young - it's not his fault. However, if you hit a lizard one too many times, it's going to retaliate. If the first 51 seconds disturb you, the last 10 will not!

It's a Camouflage Cat Ambush, You Guys

Christopher Han · 12/06/10 06:20PM

The only thing that can surprise a cat is another cat. Watch this poorly camouflaged feline take an unsuspecting victim by surprise, followed by an awkward standoff.

Dog Flips Out On Webcam, Horror Ensues

Chrystina Orlando · 12/06/10 11:42AM

This adorable pup named Micah randomly decides to induce a reign of terror during a "doggy playdate." No one was seriously hurt, so it's morally okay to laugh hysterically at this web-cast gone awry. We know we sure did!

Ducklings Get Unplanned Early Lesson in Flight

Annie Fleming · 12/03/10 12:59PM

Some ducklings were out for a stroll with their mother when they were hit by some very strong winds. Watch as the poor little guys get flipped upside down (even the mother duck tumbles) - thankfully, no one was hurt.

And Now, a Dog Trying to Walk While Wearing Shoes

Matt Cherette · 12/02/10 03:32PM

Superman's weakness? Kryptonite. Man's Best Friend's weakness? A double pair of shoes, apparently! Meet Booba, a Shih Tzu with a knack for being OMG SO CUTE, and a non-knack for being able to walk while fitted with four yellow sneakers.

Dogs Are Awesome

Matt Cherette · 12/01/10 03:55PM

Guess what, people—dogs are awesome! And here's a nearly eight-minute video compilation—featuring everything from dogs jumping in slow motion, to diving, to rescuing people from burglars, to walking up stairs on their hind legs, and more—to prove it.

And Now, a Puppy Battling a Doorstop

Matt Cherette · 11/30/10 05:34PM

In your Tuesday edition of, "BAWWWWW!" allow me to present this: Emma, a cutie patootie French Bulldog puppy, engages in an epic battle with her owner's doorstop for the cutest—and most intense—30 seconds you'll see today. Watch inside.