
Drug Smuggling Pigeon Arrested Outside Colombian Prison

Jeff Neumann · 01/19/11 06:37AM

Police in Colombia have arrested a pigeon that was struggling to fly over the walls of Bucaramanga prison with 1.6 ounces of weed strapped to its back. A police commander called it "a new case of criminal ingenuity."

Oprah and Gayle Get Groped By Horny Koala Bears

Whitney Jefferson · 01/18/11 04:19PM

Upon arriving in Queensland, Oprah and Gayle's first stop was to see koala bears. This clip begins with the marsupials getting handsy with Oprah's boobs and ends with Gayle and Oprah gawking at two koalas banging in a tree.

Bear Adheres to a Strict Two Beer Minimum

Preksha Kumar · 01/18/11 02:00PM

This video was taken in Bosnia where a restaurant owner lets people buy non-alcoholic beer for the bear. To be fair, we'd also need a drink if we were locked up in a cage like that.

The Wrong Way to Rescue a Cat From a Tree

Richard Blakeley · 01/18/11 12:00PM

If your cat happens to find it's way stuck up a tree under no circumstances should you shake the tree uncontrollably as you may not only put your cat in danger but yourself in danger as well.

Cat Summoned for Jury Duty

Maureen O'Connor · 01/17/11 05:42PM

A lady in Boston listed her cat on her Census form, and now the cat has been summoned for jury duty.

Watch What Happens When You Drop a Cat in Space

Kristina Grosspietsch · 01/17/11 03:45PM

It's a timeless question that has been asked for centuries, what would happen if you dropped a cat in space? Would it land on all fours? This video has the answer.

World's Tiredest Dog Wants Five More Minutes

Matt Cherette · 01/16/11 06:57PM

Meet Fozzie! Fozzie is a cute dog. Here's a video of Fozzie's owner trying to get him to come with on a trip home from wherever they'd found themselves—alas, Fozzie was tired. Fortunately, it was hilarious. Watch inside.

Lazy Cat Chases a Laser Lazily

Preksha Kumar · 01/15/11 01:00PM

We've all had those days when you really just don't want to get up. But, what happens when you're confronted with a tempting laser point?

Fox Shoots Hunter

Max Read · 01/14/11 02:50AM

A hunter was shot by a fox in Belarus. Not, like, a sexy woman—an actual fox, that the hunter was trying to kill. I know, right?

The World's Hungriest Cat Is Also One of Its Cutest

Matt Cherette · 01/13/11 05:51PM

OK, so this is basically the definition of cute—and funny to boot! Watch as an adorable—albeit slightly pudgy—cat paws away at its empty food bowl, gives a look of despair to its owner, and repeats the cycle... adorably.

Turkeys Have a Blast Chasing a Laser Pointer

Ruane Karpoff · 01/13/11 11:45AM

Three turkey friends embark on a thrilling adventure, filled with love, danger and of course lesson's learned. Just kidding, they chase a laser pointer around and have no idea what's going on.