
Know Your Eligible Princes

cityfile · 09/09/09 12:45PM

Young women whose marriage fantasies are less Kay Jewelers rings and Jessica McClintock gowns and more crown jewels and 700-year-old castles will eagerly be taking note of the fact that Prince Harry turns 25 next week, which means he comes into the millions from the estate of his late mother, Princess Diana. And since our own answer to Diana, Tinsley Mortimer, has managed to bag herself a prince, why not follow her example and set your sights on a husband in line to a throne? After the jump, our guide to the world's most appealing 20-something princes.

A Field Guide to 2008's Six Douchiest Cliques

Noelle · 04/09/08 01:30PM wants to tell you who the cool kids are. They've compiled a field guide to "2008's Coolest Cliques" using the following six dubious categories: The New (New) Bohemian, The European Union, The Swans 2.0, The Catwalk Queens and The New Kids on the Blog. Julia Allison is mentioned three times! The whole thing is rather irritatingly in ad-maximizing slideshow form and the commentary is anodyne, so here's a condensed and snarkier version. Buckle in, kids. We'll get through this together.