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Young women whose marriage fantasies are less Kay Jewelers rings and Jessica McClintock gowns and more crown jewels and 700-year-old castles will eagerly be taking note of the fact that Prince Harry turns 25 next week, which means he comes into the millions from the estate of his late mother, Princess Diana. And since our own answer to Diana, Tinsley Mortimer, has managed to bag herself a prince, why not follow her example and set your sights on a husband in line to a throne? After the jump, our guide to the world's most appealing 20-something princes.

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Prince Harry
His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales is third in line to the throne, so will probably never be King of England—and, if persistent rumors are true, is actually not genetically royal but the son of one-time Diana paramour James Hewitt. But down-to-earth Harry, a lieutenant in the British Army and a trainee helicopter pilot, probably wouldn't want the job anyway, as it would interfere with his usual schedule of drinking, smoking, and general carousing.

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Pierre Casiraghi
Sadly, his dreamy older brother Andrea is spoken for (he's dating heiress Tatiana Santo Domingo), but 22-year-old Pierre Rainier Stefano Casiraghi, the son of Princess Caroline, is still available. Pierre lives the high life in Milan and has a fondness for models, but if that—and the legendary Monaco curse—doesn't deter you, he's filthy rich on both his royal side and from the family of his late father, Italian oil heir Stefano Casiraghi.

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Albert Prince von Thurn und Taxis
The 26-year-old race car driver, who lives in a castle with his mother and sisters, isn't officially a prince under German law, but who cares: Albert Maria Lamoral Miguel Johannes Gabriel was first named a billionaire by Forbes at age eight, and still has a fortune of $2 billion even after losing a bundle in the economic crisis. On the downside, he has a strange penchant for mutton chop sideburns, but we're sure the right woman could show him the error of his ways.

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Prince Félix
25-year-old Félix Léopold Marie Guillaume, the son of native Cuban Maria Theresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, is second in line to the throne. Six foot tall and model-handsome, Félix is multilingual, an heir to billions, and disappointingly squeaky-clean. Would-be stalkers should head to Rome, where next month he begins a master's degree in bioethics at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum.