
Is James Holmes a Nerd?

Max Read · 07/24/12 10:00AM

Here's something that almost all the mass killers of the last fifteen years or so have in common: they've been called "nerds." James Holmes, who allegedly murdered 12 people in a crowded Colorado movie theater on Friday morning, was described as a "nerd" by his uncle within hours of the shooting. Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is, in the Telegraph, a "puffy-faced computer game nerd." Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were "innocuous nerds," the Los Angeles Times claimed in 1999.

Anders Behring Breivik Will Likely Avoid Prison

Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 02:02AM

Anders Behring Breivik — the man who last July hunted down and killed 69 teenagers on the Norwegian island of Utoya just hours after he set off a car bomb in Oslo that killed eight — has been declared "psychotic" during the attacks by two forensic psychiatrists.

Lacoste Doesn't Appreciate Norwegian Terrorist's Free Advertising

Jeff Neumann · 09/08/11 07:23AM

Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik — a big fan of wetsuits, hazmat suits and Lacoste sweaters — has enraged iconic French fashion brand Lacoste by mentioning the company in his manifesto and wearing it repeatedly outside of jail. In fact, the unwanted attention is getting so bad that the company has written to Norwegian authorities to ask that they stop letting Breivik wear Lacoste. From the Telegraph:

Norway Shooter Recreates Massacre for Authorities

Max Read · 08/14/11 04:55PM

Well, how's this for creepy? Admitted terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a simultaneous bombing and spree shooting, took Norwegian authorities on a tour of Utoya—the island on which he shot 69 people to death and injured dozens more.

Norway Shooter Demands Cigarettes, Complete Overthrow of Society

Max Read · 08/02/11 08:27PM

Admitted Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik has a bunch of demands. Some are pretty easy: Cigarettes! Clothes! Norway has plenty of those things. Some are a little more difficult: Command of the Norwegian army! "The complete overthrow of the Norwegian and European societies"!

Lesbian Couple Rescued 40 Teens During Norway Massacre

Seth Abramovitch · 08/02/11 02:31AM

A full week after their incredibly heroic efforts made the pages of Finland's largest daily newspaper, their story has bobbed its way across the Atlantic and onto our shores. It concerns Hege Dalen and Toril Hansen, a lesbian couple from Norway who were sharing a quiet dinner near the doomed island of Utoya when they began to "hear gunfire and screaming" coming from the island: Anders Behring Breivik's shooting rampage had begun.

Norway Shooter's Twitter Account Hacked

Max Read · 07/31/11 03:21PM

The Twitter account widely believed to belong to right-wing Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik was hacked on Sunday by a person or group claiming affiliation with Anonymous Norway.

Norway Shooter Purchased Ammo from U.S. Supplier

Max Read · 07/28/11 05:11PM

Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik is charged with killing 68 people, many of them teenagers, at a youth camp on Utoya Island near Oslo. How did he manage to get off that many shots when Norwegian law "forbids the sale of clips for hunting rifles that hold more than three bullets"? By ordering clips from the U.S., of course.

Norway Attacks Suspect Reportedly Confesses, Wrote Huge Manifesto

Lauri Apple · 07/23/11 07:00PM

Norwegian nationalist Anders Behring Breivik has admitted to yesterday's bombing in Oslo and subsequent shooting spree on Utoya Island that killed at least 85, say news reports. Breivik told his lawyer, Geir Lippestad, that killing almost 100 innocent people was "atrocious" but "necessary."

Suspect in Norway Massacre Charged; At Least 92 Dead

Lauri Apple · 07/23/11 10:16AM

Police have charged Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old right-wing extremist and Christian fundamentalist, as the suspected gunman in yesterday's massacre at Norway's Utoya Island youth camp—which left at least 85 people dead—and the bombing at the government headquarters in Oslo, which killed seven.