Police have charged Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old right-wing extremist and Christian fundamentalist, as the suspected gunman in yesterday's massacre at Norway's Utoya Island youth camp—which left at least 85 people dead—and the bombing at the government headquarters in Oslo, which killed seven.

Breivik's cooperating with authorities in their investigation. Acting Police Chief Roger Andresen told the press that "[h]e is clear on the point that he wants to explain himself." So far Breivik's exact motive remains unclear, but as the Telegraph reports, "both attacks were in areas connected to the left-leaning Labour Party."

Did Breivik have help? Witnesses to the killings at Utoya say two people were involved, but police haven't confirmed that yet. They also don't know if Breivik was part of a terrorist organization. Meanwhile, police are still searching the island for more bodies.

In related news:

  • Breivik has his own Wikipedia page now.
  • The blog Solid Principles has posted a copy of his Facebook profile, preserved for posterity. He lists his education as "14 500 hours of study equivalent to B.B.A, M.P.S, MHist + aprox. 3000 hours of study in micro and macro finance, religion+," which comes off as a bit insecure. He also lists his favorite sport as "hunting."
  • Norway's royals and prime minister Jens Stoltenberg met with survivors of the Utoya shootings.
  • The New York Daily News sounds like it has a crush on Breivik, describing him as "boyishly handsome," but also sounds turned off by his taste in violent television shows and video games.

[Voice of America, NYT. Image via Telegraph]