
Mitt Romney Ends His 2012 Casual Racism European Tour

Mobutu Sese Seko · 08/01/12 11:30AM

Mitt Griswold's European vacation is, mercifully, at an end. The family jet, the Mittlennium Rafalcon has been returned to the hangar, and men in blue coveralls are hosing the streaks of dogshit off the tailfin. The Wagon Queen Family Truckster is in the garage. Rest.

Romney in London: Never Mind The Olympics, Here's the Embarrassment

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/27/12 09:15AM

Americans have gone to England and been pancaked by London black cabs because they looked the wrong way before crossing the street. Americans have unluckily picked seven-day stretches of rain for their week's vacation in the sceptered isle. But Mitt Romney might be having the worst English vacation since Harald Hardråde's, and his is only two days old.

Six Dumb Arguments We're Hearing About the Aurora Shooting

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/25/12 09:20AM

The immediate aftermath of any American tragedy offers a heady potential for vile ideas. Details are scant, speculation is still wide open, motive is easily assigned—and in the rush to scoop other outlets, journalists don't have as much time to investigate claims, arguments or citations.

Exorcists, Empty Suits, and Granny Starvers: The Gawker Guide to Mitt Romney's VP Picks

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/19/12 10:10AM

The last week must have thrilled anybody playing Romney VP bingo. Rumors suggested Romney would pick Condoleezza Rice. Rice has never run for—nor expressed interest in—elected office, probably couldn't siphon "the black vote" away from Carlton on Fresh Prince, and her candidacy's soundtrack would be Block Rockin' Briefs '01: Bin Laden Determined to Attack U.S. This week the VP rumor was about Tim Pawlenty, who is boring.

Obama Apologizes to Romney: 'Cram It With Walnuts, Ugly'

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/16/12 11:30AM

Mitt Romney's getting stomped in the news cycle, about outsourcing, wealth and Bain Capital. While it's no surprise that he's accidentally one of the people raining down the fiercest blows, it's stunning to see that the other people are Republicans and Democrats. Honest, real Democrats. Not New Black Panthers controlled by UN mind beams from Obama's home in that black cube in Mecca.

Romney to NAACP: If You Want Free Stuff (Trollface), Try Voting for the Other Guy

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/12/12 11:40AM

Mitt Romney should pick a trollface mask for vice president. It'll turn Reddit into a bad-art Möbius strip, and it'll give his campaign an identity it's lacked. Yesterday, he spoke to the NAACP national convention, stood firm on an issue, elicited boos and, hours later, embraced the boos in another speech. If the campaign were a message board, he might as well have closed with a Cam'ron-inspired "u mad?"

Obama Uncoils the World's Longest Hot Dog, Romney Eats an Entire Flag: Goofus and Gallant Do 'America'

Mobutu Sese Seko · 07/04/12 10:35AM

Independence Day is upon us, which means it's time to watch politicians stumble through the USA PHOTO OP. Mitt Romney will sing unknown verses of "America the Beautiful" with an Ashcroftian solemnity, while Barack Obama—as befits the office—will force two turkeys to have sex so they can sire the ceremonial turkey he will pardon on Thanksgiving. Unless that turkey is Alaskan, in which case it will be shredded for Patriotacos.

Everyone Stop Blowing John Roberts (Including the Right Wing)

Mobutu Sese Seko · 06/28/12 12:42PM

John Roberts, former character actor as "the dad who wears khaki shorts and stands with his hands on his hips a lot," joined the liberal wing of the Supreme Court in upholding the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare." In doing so, he gave a lot of people who don't pay attention reason to celebrate him on Twitter. They're idiots.

On Neil Munro's Obama Stunt-Heckle

Mobutu Sese Seko · 06/19/12 12:05PM

Last Friday, as American journalists looked forward to an evening's well-earned drinking, one lone truth-teller gritted his teeth and inwardly hissed, "Not on my watch." He was wearing a tan suit and standing near roses as he said this. There was a Poison song playing in his head, and he saw words emerge from his mouth in bullet time, so the president couldn't dodge them.

So You've Decided To Whack A Raghead.

Mobutu Sese Seko · 06/06/12 02:16PM

Last week, the New York Times ran a 5,000-word article on the Obama administration's "secret" drone assassination program that might as well have been accompanied by the cheery clip art that comes with brochures on STDs from the free clinic.