
American Idol Ratings, The CW's Plans For the Fall

cityfile · 05/21/09 11:31AM

American Idol's finale scored its lowest ratings ever for the 18-49 demo. Not that there's a chance Ryan Seacrest will be disappearing anytime soon. [THR]
• The CW has unveiled its fall lineup. As expected, the Gossip Girl spin-off isn't happening. A social media-centric ad campaign, however, is. [Variety, NYT]
New York magazine is raising subscription rates. [Folio]
• Google is reorganizing its ad sales team and cutting a few jobs. [WSJ]
• Thanks to the $75K speaking fee Tom Friedman accepted (and returned), Times staffers have been reminded about the paper's ethics guidelines. [LAT]
Paste Magazine hopes to survive by asking readers for donations. [Gawker]
• Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wasn't permitted to appear on NBC's I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, so his wife will do it instead. [THR]

The American Idol Finale: Everybody Loves Kris

Richard Lawson · 05/21/09 10:54AM

Well, that's it. After all this tumbling and mumbling and Kara bumbling, the eighth and most bespangled season of American Idol yet has come to a screeching, crooning end. How'd it end for you? Are you satisfied? Surprised? Gassy? To work through all these emotions and sensations, let's discuss.

About American Idol

The Cajun Boy · 05/20/09 10:46PM

If you want to know which totally dreamy piece of manmeat won tonight, go ahead and click through now to see Ryan Seacrest announce the winner. If you don't want to know, you've been duly warned.

American Idol: Guy Next Door vs. Guyliner

Richard Lawson · 05/20/09 01:57PM

Oh Ryan, you master of the turn of phrase. Clever little frosted minx. I'm gonna miss you when they pack you back up into your E! radio locker and I don't get any of you until next January. Sigh. The last competition night of the year! It was... just aight.

American Idol: Victory Over the Dan

Richard Lawson · 05/14/09 12:06PM

Have you ever had an angel burp on you? Ever felt the soothing hand of God as He gives you a purple nurple? If not, then you didn't watch American Idol last night.

American Idol: The Unholy Trinity

Richard Lawson · 05/13/09 01:52PM

Three is a number steeped in magic and myth—the three fates spinning our doom, the three versions of Jesus (dad, son, creepy ghost), the three bears. And now, the three Idol men. Heroes all.

God Damn American Idol

Pareene · 05/07/09 01:20PM

Are you happy with yourselves, America? Satisfied yet? This is what you wanted, right? A bunch of thick, charmless white guys for your Top 3? Well you got it!


Pareene · 05/06/09 04:07PM

We've got to admit: we were not excited for "Rock Week." The mentor was noted Hair Bear Slash, Adam was going to wear leather and butch his way through something from the screechy white dude school of classic rock, Kris was going to hope it was actually soft rock week, Danny was going to suck, and Allison was going to be fine. And that is basically how it all went down! Except better!

American Idol: To Inanity, and Beyond!

Richard Lawson · 04/29/09 01:52PM

The Top 5! Rat Pack croony swoony songs! What a magical combination. Oddly, I don't mean that entirely sarcastically. There was some good sing-sangin' on Idol last night, mostly from my long-term two favorites.

American Idol: Disco? Balls.

Richard Lawson · 04/22/09 02:51PM

So Disco Night happened on American Idol. Everyone still with us? Ten toes, ten fingers? All right, good. We made it. That wasn't so bad, was it? I mean, it could have been much worse.

The Most Important American Idol In History

Richard Lawson · 04/16/09 12:06PM

The fuck? The long-threatened veto was finally exercised last night. On Lil! Wait, no. On Gokey! Oh, hm, not that either. On Matt Giraud. Really, Irdol? A season's worth of build-up for... Matt Giraud.