
PR Gadfly Accused of World's Most Boring Phone Hack

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/11 09:09AM

Jack O'Dwyer is an old reporter who has been covering the PR industry in his own personal publication for about a million years now. He's generally seen as a cranky but tolerable fixture of the PR journalism scene.

Sportswriter Also a Pimp, Allegedly

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/09 04:37PM

A new and exciting entry for the "Broke Journalists and Their Side Jobs" file: A veteran sports reporter at the Manchester Union Leader has been charged with being a pimp.

Dove Denies New Yorker Hypocrisy Allegations

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/08 09:22AM

Beauty product purveyor Dove has finally responded to allegations, first reported in a New Yorker story, that the company retouched photos of the "Real" women in its "Campaign for Real Beauty" ads. Which would make them big hypocrites. But according to a statement from Dove this morning (via its PR agency, Edelman), the New Yorker was wrong. The company even got a quotable refutation from controversy-courting celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz! Their full denial is after the jump.