A new and exciting entry for the "Broke Journalists and Their Side Jobs" file: A veteran sports reporter at the Manchester Union Leader has been charged with being a pimp.

Kevin Provencher, 50, has worked for the paper for more than half his life, and has been a sportswriter there for 23 years. So this probably came as a bit of a surprise in the ol' break room:

Massachusetts police said about five women worked for Provencher and two of them will be witnesses. Provencher allegedly recruited the women on Craigslist and arranged for them to meet him at a Manchester hotel, wearing specified clothing, where he would "audition" them.

Police have been observing the "operations" at the hotel for more than a month, and they call Provencher the "ringleader" of the prostitution.

law enforcement authorities "could clearly hear activities consistent with sexual intercourse." Officers said men who were intercepted after leaving had agreed to cooperate in the investigation.

[Union Leader via Romenesko. Pic via]