
Charlie Sheen's Crazy Radio Rant Makes CBS Shut Down His Show

Adrian Chen · 02/24/11 08:34PM

Charlie Sheen gave a ranty interview today to conservative radio host Alex Jones while he vacationed in the Bahamas. In less than 20 minutes, Sheen claimed he cured his alcoholism "with my mind," referred to his porn star lovers as his "goddesses," called out his imagined opponents—"fools and trolls"— in macho-baroque soliloquies, and insulted Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre in anti-Semitic fashion: "I violently hate Chaim Levine (Chuck Lorre). He's a stupid, stupid little man and a pussy punk that I'd never want to be like."

Crazy Radio Host Thinks Juice Boxes Are Making Kids Gay

Matt Cherette · 09/22/10 03:03PM

Alex Jones is a syndicated radio host from Texas. Jones is also a crazy person. Here's a clip of Jones calling increased homosexuality a "chemical warfare operation" caused by MSG found in kettle chips and juice boxes, among other things.

Crazy Congresswoman to Appear on Crazy Radio Program

Pareene · 06/29/09 02:49PM

On the one hand, Alex Jones is a (terribly entertaining) unhinged conspiracy theorist who rants about the New World Order and FEMA Concentration Camps and produces crazy movies about how 9/11 was an inside job and how Barack Obama is basically Hitler. All of this is well and good for a late-night radio talk show host! But for an elected member of the House of Representatives to appear on his show might strike some people as a sort of implicit endorsement of his more outre beliefs.