
Douchebag Hall of Fame: The Inevitable Charter Member

abalk2 · 10/16/06 01:55PM

We want to thank you for the epic flood of douchebaggery you've unleashed upon our inbox. We'll be inducting the initial class of the Douchebag Hall of Fame all this week. Our first member needs no introduction, but the boss is always on our ass about context, so we're going to do it anyway. Ladies and gentlemen, your pioneer Douchebag is Aleksey Vayner.

Reminder: We Want Your Douchebags

abalk2 · 10/12/06 10:20AM

Our call for nominations to The Douchebag Hall of Fame has resulted in a flood of Hall-worthy douchebags; keep them coming either here or via e-mail. A quick clarification: We're looking for what one commenter refers to as "internet-buzz related douchebags," not your everyday run-of-the-mill douchebag (there are so many of those that no hall could hold them all). While we tabulate your results, please enjoy this Richard Blakeley remix of Aleksey Vayner's bid for DBHF inclusion; the Yale senior is, more than anyone, responsible for this project, and probably deserves his own wing.

Douchebag's Underage Douchebag Friends Taken Care Of

abalk2 · 10/11/06 10:40AM

Not a lot of news on the Aleksey Vayner front this morning, except to note that the douchebag had YouTube take down his infamous video; the American heroes at IvyGate have re-upped it and it can be found here. Also, an observation: We've been getting a considerable amount of mail from shady organizations who are now creating fake Vayner profiles on their websites in hopes of a link. How sad is that? You go from promising young sociopath to spam-baiting joke in a week's time. There's something almost poetic about it. Also, we (and, apparently everyone else in the world) received a copy of Aleksey's birthday party e-mail: You'll find it after the jump.

A Lawyer Who Represents Himself Has a Douchebag for a Client

abalk2 · 10/10/06 11:12AM

Dealbreaker brings word that UBS is on the hunt for whoever leaked the video of Yale douchebag Aleksey Vayner, and probably with good reason: We're hearing that Vayner is suing UBS for the video's widespread distribution. No word on whether or not Vayner will add "lawyer" to his long list of fraudulent credits, but we're sort of hoping that he does: "attorney" is the third angle alongside "investment banker" and "Eli" in the twat trifecta.

God and Douchebag at Yale

abalk2 · 10/10/06 09:30AM

So yesterday's call for further information on titanic douchebag Aleksey Vayner brought forth an outpouring of fond reminiscences from his fellow Elis. We've cleaned them up a bit for your consumption, but this first one gives you a general idea of how well-regarded the future investment banker is amongst his schoolmates.