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So yesterday's call for further information on titanic douchebag Aleksey Vayner brought forth an outpouring of fond reminiscences from his fellow Elis. We've cleaned them up a bit for your consumption, but this first one gives you a general idea of how well-regarded the future investment banker is amongst his schoolmates.

I graduated in June and remember this [douchebag] talking way too loudly in the dining hall. In between powering whole chickens, he would high-five the smarmy, mustachioed dining hall managers and, in general, had the air of a slightly thick Afrikaner rugby player just chilling during apartheid. He also had atrocious arm acne.

After the jump, some other recollections, plus an article written about Vayner nee Garber before his freshman year. Apparently, even in high school he was a [douchebag].

Yale kids have known about this crazy [douchebag] before he even started his freshman year. As a prefrosh, Aleksey Vayner—then Aleksey Garber (doesn't the change add a certain gravitas!)—impressed his host enough to merit his own article in the campus's satire paper—The Rumpus.

[Note: See below.]

This [douchebag]'s sister is also the Director of his "charity." What a lowlife.

He also has a photo album called "Welcome to My World," which he describes as "My family and I, my friends, and my masters." ...meaning old pictures, paintings, and a bunch of other prententious crap, including more pictures of himself weightlifting, playing tennis, etc...

If ever there were douchbaggery...

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Earlier: Daily Dose of Douchery (Bonus Schadenfreude Edition): Aleksey Vayner